56. Normal, Not Normal

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On the other hand, Cosette was under the impression that George wanted nothing to do with her. And while not his fault, maybe he'd understand that in her confused state, she had a brief lapse of judgment.

She didn't know what she was going to say, but she knew one thing for sure. If she told him, he was going to be hurt.

They had already been through so much, without even putting a title on their relationship, so Cosette wasn't sure if she wanted to add this to the list. It wasn't like he would ever find out if she kept it to herself. Elliot wasn't going to tell anyone so there was no way it would get back to George.

Plus, there was a good chance they would fight about it if he did find out and she was so done with fighting.

She just wanted to be with him.

Cosette knew the twelve hours had gone by when she heard a door open from inside the cabin. She had left the sliding door leading out to the patio deck open on purpose. She wanted to make sure she could hear him leave the bedroom.

He didn't have his wand, Cosette hid it, so George didn't have a choice but to come outside and talk to her. Cosette heard his footsteps approaching, but she stared down at the water surrounding her ankles, her hands perched on the side of the hot tub.

Cosette was facing the steps that led down to the layer of the deck that she was on, so even though she wasn't looking up, she could still see George in her peripheral vision sit down on the steps facing her.

She wasn't too entirely sure what to say.

He wasn't yelling, so that was a good sign.

But he also didn't kiss her like she was sort of expecting him to.

Which meant maybe it wasn't just Amortentia.

"I pissed in the plant," he said out of nowhere and Cosette had to bite the inside of her cheek to keep from laughing at that announcement.

"Understandable," she said in return, knowing that he had no access to a bathroom in those twelve hours.

More silence wavered between them. Cosette bravely lifted her gaze only to meet the still very annoyed stare coming from George. Not quite filled with as much frustration as earlier, but maybe he was just tired.

There was still nothing when she looked into his eyes.

"Do you love Lottie?" Cosette asked before realizing that there was probably a better way to approach this topic.

Surprisingly, George shook his head. Relief flooded over Cosette, but this conversation was far from over.

"Do you want to be with her?"

George rested his elbows on his knees, folding his hands together in front of his lips, "No."

"I think she was slipping you Amortentia," Cosette told him, to which he nodded slowly.

"I think you're right."

The lack of emotion coming from him right now was alarming. This wasn't the George she expected to walk out of the bedroom. This was almost identical to the George she spoke to at the burrow a few days ago and at the flat this morning. The short replies, the bitterness in his tone, this wasn't him.

There was no way this was Imperio either. Lottie wouldn't have that kind of range even if she could cast that curse.

Again, Obliviate came to mind. But Cosette couldn't even begin to comprehend how difficult it would be to erase feelings. Memories and thoughts were one thing, but emotions were on a completely different scale. She had never met a wizard strong enough to do that, but she figured only dark wizards would be interested in something like that.

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