Destiny | Thorin

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It was a rainy day, the trees were shaking vigorously and lightning flashed across the gray skies multiple times in no time. Y/n was in her house with the mobile and the music on, writing with her friend, when suddenly a powerful lightning crossed the skies and the flash next to the thunder scared her. She looked at the street, at the sky, and tried to relax. Once she got it, she turned her gaze from the street to the cell phone and it was at that unexpected moment that she received a message from a number that she didn't know. She opened the message and what she found surprised her, as that person knew her name. The message read like this:

"My dear friend Y/n, you have no idea how much it cost me to get in touch with you. I know that right now you will be very confused when reading this, more so seeing that I know who you are. Don't worry, because you know me the same as I do you. Well, I don't want to deviate from what I have come to tell you. Did you see that lightning so bright and hear that thunder so loud? I invite you to go to the window and look to your right, right at the streetlight. There you will see me and you will know who is hiding behind these words. Once you see me you must wait for the next lightning to appear, but not just any lightning, but one like the one that surprised you. When you have seen it, if you trust my words , I invite you to leave your house and come to the same streetlight where I am. See you ".

Y/n took her eyes off her cell phone and at times she felt fear, a chill ran through her being and she began to tremble. She looked towards the window and, very suspicious, she approached until she was leaning out, directing her gaze towards the streetlight. Her eyes widened to meet a slender gray figure with a long gray beard holding a staff and wearing a pointed hat.

-Gandalf!! -She yelled, watching him wave to her and laugh-. But what is Gandalf doing here? He doesn't exist, he's only in films and books...

At that moment a blinding lightning reappeared followed by a powerful thunder and Y/n was scared again. Once the fright left her body, she looked at the streetlight again, seeing that Gandalf was gone. Y/n opened her eyes more than necessary and remembered the message. She then decided to take her hooded coat and decided to go out to the direction of the streetlight.

Gandalf still didn't appear and that made her look everywhere, searching for him with her eyes.

-Gandalf? Gandalf! -She yelled as she soaked herself in the rain, but as she unconsciously leaned against the streetlight, the rain gradually stopped falling on her head and the strong wind became a gentle breeze. The sky was no longer gray, but had turned to an azure sky, and birds could be heard singing. The streetlight had become a white wall of a house and she felt a certain magic in the environment.

-Where am I? -She wondered, looking everywhere, until she could recognize the place. It was Rivendell.

Male voices could be heard talking among themselves, loud voices that were not typical of elves, and, among those voices, she could hear one that always made her sigh. That made her open her eyes, feeling a twinge of excitement, and she ran in the direction of the voices. However, that same voice began to shout at the sound of a horn and, when she leaned out to see what was happening, she could see Thorin's company surrounded by several horses ridden by elves. Y/n put a hand on her mouth as she gazed at him, seeing Gandalf right next to them alongside Lindir.

She went straight to the wizard and she saw that he was still talking so placidly to the elf, until he noticed her presence and looked at her.

-Oh, my dear Y/n, you have come at last -said Gandalf with a smile-. I'm glad to see you here, because you're going to have a task of the utmost importance to accomplish.

Y/n was confused.

-What task? -She asked curiously, but she was interrupted by Elrond, who immediately started talking to the magician and cut off all the conversation that the wizard and the young woman were having.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐨𝐛𝐛𝐢𝐭 𝐢𝐧 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐥 𝐋𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora