Chapter 17

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1st person POV. (Y/N)

A bang on the door wakes me up, for a second I'm comfortable and in my room, but then I realize it's not my room, I'm in Loki's, and I'm naked. I look to my side and Loki's sleeping. Another knock comes from the door but Loki doesn't stir. I quickly shake Loki awake and he looks confused.
"What are you still doing here?" Loki asks me quite rudely.
"I fell asleep, it doesn't matter someone is about to burst through that door," I tell Loki and his eyes go wide.
"Take your clothes and hide in the closet." He tells me.
"Loki, wake up! There's a meeting in a few minutes!" Thor's voice yells through the door. I quickly open the closet door and get in. "Loki, I will break down this door and drag you downstairs if you don't come out in ten seconds!" Thor threatened.
"Thor! I'm getting clothed, do not dare try come in here!" Loki yells back at his brother. They're both quiet after that, I hear Loki's clothes ruffle as he pulls them on, soon after I hear the door open and close, leaving me alone in Loki's room.
I wait for a few seconds in the closet before getting out and into my clothes. I quickly take a look out into the hallway where there isn't anyone, so I get out of Loki's room, take a few steps and then I'm in my room.
Again I strip my clothes off of my body and throw them in a laundry basket that's in one corner of my room.
I'm in pants and pulling a shirt over my head when there is a knock from the door, it opens shortly after I scrambled the shirt down my torso. In the hallway stand Tony and Steve. Whenever there's an important thing happening they're together. So what now?
"Y/N, there's a meeting downstairs and we need you to join us," Steve says and I nod, they start walking away, and to follow them I have to jog down the hallway.
"What's up?" I ask when we arrive in the living room. Everyone appears distraught. Nat looks at me, her eyes showing anger. When I look at Loki, his eyes focus on the floor, but in his expression, I see that he's holding something back. Wanda tries to smile at me but doesn't achieve her happy smile as usual.
"Y/N, I think you should sit down," Steve says and I sit down next to Nat.
"Why does it seem like the meeting has already started?" I wonder and people glance at each other.
"We think Hydra knows we've been watching," Tony says and Nat clenches her fists.
"Uh- wh- what does that mean?" I stutter.
"It means that they'll scratch every plan they had in mind and will make a completely new one, one that we'll not be ready for," Tony explains. The team is quiet, it's uncomfortable to not hear any suggestions on solutions, maybe they already discussed this without me.
"What will we do?" I ask Tony mostly but also the whole team.
"We can't do anything except being alert and," Steve says, he pauses like it's hard to get out the last words.
"You have to have someone with you at all times." Tony finishes for Steve.
"What? No, that's not going to happen!" I stand up ready to defend my argument.
"Y/N, calm down," Steve tells me.
"No, I'm not going to have a babysitter watching everything that I do."
"We've already decided on it, it's the best option," Tony says.
"Without me?" I yell and ball up my hands, the glass of water starts bubbling and the sink in the kitchen starts shaking profusely.
"What are you doing?" Tony asks me.
"Nothing," I say.
"Y/N, sit down and take a breath," Loki says standing up, his hand indicating me to sit down. I eye him while sitting down, why would he care what I'd do? When I u clench my fists the shaking and bubbling slowly stop.
"In the compound, someone specific will always be with you, but on the outside, you just have to have someone, not a specific person," Tony tells me, it still doesn't help me calm down.
"I'll look after Y/N inside the compound." Loki offers and many heads turn to him in surprise, as does mine.
"What?" I and Tony ask at the same time.
"Isn't it best to have her partner look after her?" Loki questions Tony who nods while thinking about it.
"Then it's settled Loki will be Y/N's "babysitter"," Tony says, doing air quotes mimicking me.
"You've got to be kidding me," I mutter under my breath. "No way he's going to be my babysitter, we're barely friends," I tell Tony.
"Y/N, you don't have a say in this," Tony argues.
"So he's going to be with me 24/7?" I question.
"Yeah," Tony answers, making me even angrier.
"So he'll just be watching me sleep?" I ask Tony and look at Loki whose starting at the floor, his hands behind his back.
"No, but I think it's best you'll be in the same room at night. So Y/N, you'll be moving you're mattress into Loki's room today." Tony tells me to do.
I storm out of the living room, up to my room, and immediately start trying to move my mattress. Who does Tony think he is, ordering me what to do, how to do it, and when.
A knock on my open door makes me flip my head quickly to see who it is. It's Nat and Wanda. And behind them stands Loki.
"What?" I ask quite impolitely.
"We're here to help, " Wanda says.
"What about you, do you want something?" I point my question toward Loki.
"I'm here to give you access to my room," Loki explains.
"You didn't have to, since now it's also my room. Thanks to you." I say struggling with the big mattress.
"Let me help you," Wanda says stepping inside the room, her magic surrounds the bed and it rolls up, Wanda turns her hands toward the doorway, Nat and Loki step out of the way and Wanda follows the mattress outside into the hallway, Loki flicks his hand and his door opens up, allowing Wanda to finish moving the bed.
Nat walks to Wanda and I'm about to do the same when Loki grabs my wrist. I look at him and yank my hand out of his grip. I walk, with him on my heels to Wanda and Nat that are observing Loki's room.
My mattress is now on the floor in front of Loki's bed, I look at his bed and think about last night's shenanigans.
"We should go back Tony wants to talk about things we should do to prepare for the inevitable attack of Hydra."
"I don't want to," I say and start to walk to my room.
"Y/N, if you won't Tony will decide everything for you," Nat tells me and instead of turning to my room, I walk down the hallway, down the stairs, and into the living room.
"I think it's best we explore her abilities." Stephen Strange says. He had arrived while we moved my mattress.
"I'm back." I flop back down on the sofa.
"Are you finished having a fit?" Tony asks and I don't answer him. "We're discussing that you and Strange should train together, at least twice a week."
I nod my head, then Loki speaks. "I could also help her with her magic since I've dappled a little in it myself."
"Then it's settled! Two sessions with Strange a week and the rest you train with Loki." Tony declares.
The team starts talking about some strategies to use if we're attacked here in the compound, I find it unlikely but I don't say anything about it, then the conversation turns to what if we're attacked on the outside, Bruce came up with the idea to design something like a pager that if we push a button, everyone will be notified of the coordinates of whoever pushes the button, Tony liked the idea and dismissed us to go design it immediately, with the help of Bruce.
"I'm going to take a shower," I tell Loki, we walked together to my room, since he's supposed to follow me everywhere I go in the compound.
"I think I'll do that too," Loki says. He tells me to wait for him while he gets his stuff but I don't, I go to the bathroom and get in one of the shower stalls when I'm out of my clothes I turn the shower on and the noise of the water hitting my body and floor overtakes my ears, so much that I don't hear when the door to my stall opens.
All of a sudden I feel a hand on my back. "Ahhhh!" I scream and turn, slapping whatever's in front of me.
When I look again I see Loki, naked, recovering after I slapped him. He smiles. "What was that for?" He asks.
"What the hell Loki? How'd you get in? Babysitting me doesn't mean starting at me in the shower like some pervert!"
"I'm the God of Mischief, picking locks is like punching for me." He says like it should be obvious.
"Fuck off, Loki, what'd you want?"
"I'd thought we'd take this opportunity to have some fun." He says, snaking his hand around my waist to my back.
"Great thinking, " I say under my breath. He backs me up to the wall of the shower, my breath shallows.
His other hand trails down my stomach, finding his way in between my legs. "Oh God," I murmur.
"That's me," Loki says sliding his finger in my already wet pussy.
His finger pumps in and out of me, I slide my hand through Loki's hair. "Why'd you offer to look after me?" I ask, barely getting the words out.
"I thought we'd get more time to ourselves," Loki says and I get the feeling that if we were looking into the eyes of each other he would wink at me.
He slides another finger in and I struggle to hold back a moan.
"Shh, " Loki whispers into my ear sending shivers up my spine.
"I want you," I whisper back.
Loki bites his lip and then his face changes. "I wish we could but I didn't bring a condom with me."
I sigh. It's only one time and if he pulls out, it might be a bad idea but...
Instead of saying okay maybe later, I kiss him and jerk him off. His head leans backward wetting his hair slightly.
"Are you sure?" Loki asks, knowing the chance of some consequences.
"Yeah, I'm sure," I tell him and he backs me back up to the wall. Lifting one of my feet, he slides himself into me. I whimper.
He takes my other foot and lifts it too, he's now holding me up against the wall, humping himself in and out of me. I look down at his abdomen, his muscles are tensed. "Oh, Loki."
"Fuck, " he mutters under his breath, speeding up his pumping.
Loki holds my ass rather than my thighs and grabs it. I start kissing his neck trying to muffle the sounds that are coming from me.
"Darling, try and be quiet." Loki moans and I whine in pleasure.
"Please make me come," I ask of Loki, who smiles into my neck.
"I'll make you finish as often as you beg me," Loki answers and it's now my turn to smile.
Loki starts to go faster and faster, rubbing my clit as he can. My moaning and his grunting become intertwined, we have become one, getting off on each other, he lets down one of my feet getting ready to pull out, he thrusts into me and his now free hand covers my mouth as he pulls out, finishing. I circle my clit making myself come seconds after Loki.
"We should probably shower." I straighten myself up and start putting shampoo in my hair.
"Yeah, I'll wait," Loki says.
"You sure, you might get cold?"
"I'm sure."
I finish up in the shower and after getting dried and in my clothes, I leave Loki in the shower, with the water turned on. When I turn around from closing the door, I see Bucky looking at me strangely.
"Why'd you leave the shower on?" He asks. Shiiiiit.
"Uhm-" I laugh. "I forgot to turn it off," I explain myself. I open the door get back in and turn off the shower. I put my hand over Loki's mouth as he is about to shout at me. "Bucky's outside, you have to turn it off for a few minutes or we'll get caught," I whisper to Loki, who nods. I take my hand off of his face and leave him there closing the shower stall door again.
"Y/N you're ridiculous, did you know that?" Bucky giggles.
"I know I am sometimes."
I walk out of the bathroom and into my room, where Nat and Wanda sit on the empty bed frame.
"What's up?" I raise my brows at them.
"We wanted to apologize for last night," Wanda explains.
"And invite you with us out on a girl's night." Nat continues.
"I- um-" I think. "Sure."

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