Chapter 7

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1st person POV. (Y/N)

The light of the sun makes me squint my eyes when I turn around. I notice that I'm not in my bedroom.
"Hello?" I ask out into the white, grey, and light blue room. No one answers and then I feel something in my arm. Ouch. A needle has been poked into me and the tube connected to it leads up to a bag of liquid. What the hell? On the other side of the bed, I lay in is a monitor showing my heart rate, blood pressure, and additional information.
No like where am I. I sit up and throw my feet out of the bed. I take off the things hooking me up to the monitor, as I don't want to mess with the needle I leave it and take the pole that holds my IV bag. It's on wheels so I have no problem moving towards the door of the small room.
As I take the door handle the door is opened. They open it so it hits my head, it doesn't hurt that much but I do get dizzy.
"Y/N are you okay?" Tony asks me and taking my hand helping me be steady on my feet after he hit a bed, walking back to the door he closes it and sits down in a chair he moves from the corner of the room to the side of the bed I'm in.
"Last night Loki came to me, with this." Tony starts holding up the bug I planted under the conference table. "So we decided that the best way to stop you was to give you some sleeping pills, but we couldn't give it to you directly so we spiked your drink. I may have put too much in your drink, but that's not the point." Before he can continue I cut him off.
"And what is?" I ask him furious at his and Lokis's action. "You don't go around spiking people's drinks! What the hell were you thinking! No really, had you just told me to stop when Loki came to you I would have!" I practically yell.
"Y/N, I already told you not to mess with this case. But you did! So this was the only thing I could do." He starts shouting back.
"Whose idea was it?" I ask.
"It was Loki's." Tony answers, we sit in silence after his statement.
"So what's going to happen to me?" I quietly implore Tony.
"We're not going to kick you off the team, we're benching you for the next two months. But do anything like this again and you're out." Tony walks out leaving me alone.
I roll over to the other side away on the bed. Time passes and people come to visit me, Nat sits with me for a while but leaves when other people come talking to me.
"You're all good, you can go now." Banner finally tells me and slides the needle out of my arm.
As soon as I enter my room I start undressing and a knock comes from my door when I'm in new jeans.
"Who is it?" I shout at the door, but the person doesn't answer they walk in.
"Hey," Loki says then noticing I'm not in a shirt.
"What the hell!" I turn around.
"I came in because I thought if I would tell you it's me you wouldn't let me in, look I'm sorry."
"For what? For ratting me out and poisoning me or walking in on me?" I ask with anger noticeable in my voice.
"Well, both." He says casually. I feel his eyes on my back making me reach for my T-shirt.
"Well, I don't accept your apology." I pull the shirt over my head.
"I decline your offer on not accepting it."
"That's not how it works." I turn back to him see that he's got anger in his eyes but surprisingly he speaks calmly.
"That's how it works now." He says and I shake my head.
"Get out."
"I'm not going anywhere."
"Yes, you are. Get the hell out of my room! I don't want to speak to you, look at you or be in your fucking presence!" I start raising my voice. "If you're not going anywhere then I am." Walking past him towards the door I walk but I get stopped by Loki grabbing my arm. "Let go of me."
"No, we're going to sort this out."
I turn around slowly looking him in the eye. We stand like that for a while, but he doesn't let his grip loosen. With that, I punch him in the face, his hands loosened the grip finally and I rip my arm out of his walking out the door. When I reach the stairs I look at my hand seeing drops of blood on them.
I walk to the bathroom washing my hands precisely. Tears start running down my cheeks and when the bathroom door opens I hastily dry them.
"Are you okay?" Sam asks when he notices me.
"Yeah I'm fine, do you know if Steve and Nat are back?"
"They're still out on the mission." He enters a toilet and closes the door behind him.
I lean against the bathroom counter and sigh. I breathe in and out then walking out of the bathroom.
Wanda is walking up the stairs when I get to them and she invites me to her room, accepting her offer we go into her closed room and I lay down on her made bed.
"How do you live and work with someone you hate more and more every day?" I ask as she pulls out her desk chair sitting down in it.
"Y/N, I honestly don't know." She states. "Is it that bad?"
"He got Tony to spike my drink to stop me from doing some shit they could've easily stopped me from doing another way," I tell Wanda. Her eyes widen with surprise.
"Wow, okay."
"And Tony put too much into the drink, that's why I was in the rehabilitation room."
"Why'd you think I was in there?"
"I mean you did fall over last night so no one really asked questions about why you were there."
"Yeah well, I basically got poisoned."
"I'm sorry." Wanda looks at me sympathetically.
"Don't be, the only one that should be is Tony and Loki, especially Loki."
We sit in silence for a bit.
"Other than Loki how have you been settling in?"
"I guess I've had it fine since moving in."
"Fine's better than bad or nothing."
"Want to make it better?" I smile at her.
"Can I?"
"Take me shopping for some new clothes, then the next time you ask how I am the answer will be good."
"Come on, let's go." I and Wanda link our arms go to the mall.
"I have been dying for some new clothes!" I exclaim as we walk into the first store of Wanda's picking, we walk in between the racks looking at casual clothes for day-to-day wear.
"You have anything specific you're looking for?" She asks while holding a shirt over her torso looking at herself in a mirror of the store.
"I mean kind of everything. I have to update my whole closer, I've owned the clothes that are in my closet since I was sixteen.
"Make-over time!" She says jokingly making jazz hands and we both giggle.
We walked through almost all of the stores, Wanda had three bags, and I had five, some clothes were chucked into a bag from another store as we tried to use up all the bags efficiently.
We drove home blasting music through the car stereo and just as we pulled up to the compound we see Nat and Steve walking into the entrance holding two men, both in cuffs. I and Wanda hurry up taking all the bags from the mall out of the car and running into the building and up to the living room throwing them on the couches and calling Tony asking where they are.
He tells us to go into the interrogation area which was down in the basement.
"Why'd you not take me there?" I ask Wanda as we walk down to the elevator you must take to get to the basement.
"Well, it was almost finished being built but not quite so Tony decide to interrogate you in the conference room." She explained as we got in the elevator.
She pushes button number three. There were five buttons in total. We reached the floor where the interrogation rooms were. We walked down a hallway and I turned where Wanda turned, following her we finally see Steve and Tony talking outside of a door.
"Hey, what's going on?" Wanda says noticing them of our arrival.
"Good you're here," Tony says then turning back to Steve, he says something quietly with his hand on Steves's shoulder, when Tony finishes his sentence he brings his hand back to his side and Steve walks away into a room a few meters down from the door they stood at.
"Nat and Steve are asking Charles questions, Wanda you're going with Sam to interrogate Jhon," Tony tells her and turns to me. "You'll be our secret weapon, even though they're in separate rooms we're going to send you into both, just at separate times. So what's going to happen is Nat and Steve or Wanda and Sam are going to send a signal queuing you to go into the room sending them out and you interrogating either of the men, just whichever group is first to signal you. Okay got it?" Tony asks.
"I think so."
"Just wait here, me or Rhodey will get you if they signal you okay." I nod as Tony walks away.
How am I supposed to interrogate someone? I have never done that, I was never planning to. I wait for God knows how many minutes before Rhodey comes and gets me.
I walk into the interrogation room that Wanda and Sam sit in. I nod my head towards the door when the eyes fall on me. They leave without a word leaving me to sit down in front of one of the men who practically tortured me. Behind me is a mirror that is of course a one-way mirror.
He looks at me, I know he recognizes me but he doesn't give any signs away letting me know he does.
"Remember me?" I break the silence with my question.
"Maybe." He says, speaking quite calmly.
"Really because I remember a lot about the years from 2006 to 2019!" I pause. "Want me to jog up your memory?" I feel the anger build up.
"That would be extremely kind of you if I was included in those years but I'm afraid I have to tell you I wasn't." At his sentence, I forget that I'm supposed to control myself.
"Well, I'm sorry to tell you that I have to jog up your memory. Let's start at the day my parents drove up to you and Charles with me in the car looking for crack." I spit out at him. "No, nothing? Okay, how about the offer you offered them, the precise words you said were; 'we'll hook you up with that stuff if you let us take her a few times a week, no questions asked.' Now I know that it's my parent's fault for saying yes to that crap but the fact that you offered it is even more fucked up!"
"Sweetie I-" He starts but I cut him off.
"Don't dare call me sweetie. Don't even say my name! Okay?" He nods with irritation in his eyes. "How about we speed up to the day you and Charles injected me with that shit you bought off the black market. Yeah, I do remember what you told me when you tied me down." I say the last bit when his eyes grow a little wider. "The week after you did that I was changing a lot, I was so sick with fever, headaches and so much pain in just my whole body! You weren't in contacted that week so you don't know that, but that doesn't make it better."
"It doesn't?" He mutters under his breath trying to hide the comment from me but I hear it.
"No it didn't and what was even worse after you gave me the powers and I went through the transition you used me for financial gain."
"Your parents used you for drugs." He said loudly.
"You're right, but I wasn't created for that reason, believe it or not, I was a planned baby. But want to know what, the powers you gave me, and what you made me after that, was solely for the purpose to earn money."
"Yeah, that's right." With that, I stand up slamming my hands into the table. The door opens in a rush and Rhodey orders me out of the room.
"Y/N, you're supposed to be interrogating him, not arguing about your personal problems," Rhodey states me pulling me slowly back down from the anger. "Take a deep breath, you can go back in there when you're ready."
I take a deep breath and pace down the hallway a few times before entering again, my eyes dart to the mirror. I walk back to the seat I sat in previously to the interruption.
"Are you working with someone else?" I ask Charles who smirks at me, it's a disgusting smirk that slightly reveals his yellow teeth.
"Maybe." He tries to play games
"I'll take that as a yes. Have you injected anyone else with the stuff you injected me with?"
"As you're no fun and I'm tired I'll be straight with you; yes." I exhale disappointed at the confession.
"Now we're getting somewhere. How many have you injected and give names."
"Give me a piece of paper and a pen, I'll write it down." I look at the mirror and a second later Sam comes in handing me what Jhon had asked for, paper and a pen.
"Hurry up," I say sliding the things over the table.
John slowly thinks and writes down on the front and back of the paper. When he finishes writing and passing over the file paper I take it walking out without another word.
Tony meets me in the hallway.
"Where's Rhodey?" I ask as he should be greeting me.
"I switched places with him." He tells me and he has a smile on his face.
"Y/N you did a great job at interrogating him is what." He smiles and hands out his hand asking for the paper.
"I want part of whatever mission comes from this," I say while handing over the names.
"You'll get to be involved, I just don't know how much."
"At least on one mission, like a real mission me and Loki went on a few days ago. Do you understand me?" I make sure he's getting what I'm saying and he nods while we go to the next interrogation room.

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