Chapter 4

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1st person pov. (Y/N)

"He's just so annoying!" I complain while dressing with Nat and Wanda sitting on the bed for me. "Like yesterday he didn't even say congratulations! I made huge progress with breaking that glass and he's my partner he should be the one most happy for me." I pull a shirt over my head.
"He can be infuriating." Nat agrees and with that Wanda scoffs.
"Only infuriating?" Wanda says.
"Wanda's right, he not just infuriating. He has such a big ego and my God he's so self-centered."
"Yeah okay but, why did you and Loki never start over?" Nat questions and I tilt my head raising my eyebrows wondering if that's even a question.
"Because... I'm honestly not sure but I'm not gonna apologize to him for defending myself when he was the one getting in bed with me and then insisting that it's me that made the mistake." I continue my rant.
"Fair," Nat responds.
"Have you guys decided what you're gonna were to the party tomorrow?" Wanda changes the subject.
"No, haven't even thought about it," Nat replies.
My eyes wide I ask, "What party?"
"No one told you?"
"No, not until now."
"There's a party celebrating the Avengers founding anniversary. Tomorrow's gonna be nine years since SHIELD founded the Avengers." Wanda informs.
"Okay awesome," I answer and start looking for an outfit to wear tomorrow. Throwing it on the bed I take Nat and Wanda's hands pulling them up from my bed and downstairs. "What do you do at this party? And won't there be SHIELD people there?"
"Yes, and there will be a buffet of food, an open bar, we'll play some games I guess. Just the basic adult party stuff." Nat tells me.
"Never been to that kind of a party," I admit, and in a train, we walk down the stairs.
As soon as we enter we are given an order by Tony, "We need some people to go get drinks and other snacks from the store, those people will be you three." He shoves us toward the next stairs leading to the ground floor.
"How much of everything?" Nat shouts at Tony who's already gone to Bucky and Sam, instead of Tony answering Rhodey comes and tells us to get as much as we think we need.
"Wouldn't have thought he was the party planning type," I confessed.
"He isn't, Pepper is planning everything, Tony just executes her plans," Nat tells me. "Pepper is Tony's wife." She states when she notices me looking at her. "Yes, he's married."
"Didn't think he was that type either," I say and we get into one of the ten cars in the garage of the compound.
"Wanda will you call Sam and ask him to send us a list of what drinks and snacks we need."
I sit in the backseat while Wanda talks on the phone and Nat drives us to the nearest store that has all of our necessities.
Walking from one end to another in each aisle Wanda reads up things we need to get, Nat, steers the cart as I put things into it. Doing things like this makes us incredibly efficient and we're back home after an hour.
"We're back!" Nat puts down the five full bags of alcohol and food.
"Favourite snack go!" I quickly say.
"Peanut butter M&M's" Is Nat's answer and Wanda says "White chocolate."
"What are you guys doing," Bucky asks when he gets to us in the kitchen.
"We're playing a game, it's a game where someone randomly asks a question and the other people have to be as quick as they can to answer," I explain and he just stares at us.
"Favourite Avenger?" Nat asks and before I get anything out Wanda says "Vision." Of course. "I don't know, Nat." We look at Bucky the only one who hasn't answered.
"Ohh, I'm supposed to answer. Uhh... It's got to be either Steve or Sam."
"It's not like that you have to be quick and only answer one thing," I told him and he just nodded and walked away.
We shook our head and started getting the stuff out of the bags continuing our game until we were finished. We just sat down when Tony walks in, still with his earpiece in his ear.
"I've got three here not doing anything," Tony tells his wife. He pauses and listens to her. "Girls will you decorate the place, especially here." He says referencing the living room.
And we do.

I have taken a shower and am getting dressed in my dress (or outfit of your choice, just imagine what you'd wear.) when Nat walks in with Wanda wrapped around her hand, they both have a drink in their hand.
"How do I look?" I spin myself in a circle and their eyes look me up and down.
"Great! You look great now come on let's go meet some new people." Wanda says hooking my arm to hers and we start walking downstairs.
The decorations start on the stairs and are mostly black, white, blue and a little sprinkle of red here and there. When we get off the stairs we stop and look around us, people from SHIELD are here and the rest of the team that does lives on earth but not in the compound also.
Nat and Wanda take me around introducing me to people, T'Challa Udaku, and his sister Shuri, Peter Parker, Clint Barton, Scott Lang, and Hope Pym even Pepper Potts, Tony's wife, finally we walk up to the famous Nick Fury and Maria Hill.
"So this is the girl who broke into the Avengers compound and got herself a sprt on the team." He says handing out his hand to me.
I take it, "Y/FN."
"Nick Fury and this is Maria Hill."
"Yeah, I know," I tell them also shaking Maria's hand.
"I have to excuse myself for right now but enjoy the party. Nice meeting you Y/N." Fury and Maria walk away, talking quietly.
"Go sit down, I'm gonna get a drink." I walk to the bar where the bartender is busy making a drink for a person I didn't notice at the bar when walking over to it.
"Are you enjoying yourself?" I ask Loki, who receives his drink. "A shot and then a San Francisco cocktail."
"Very much am." He says and walks away to his brother and the people he's standing with.
"Thanks." Both the shot and my cocktail are given to me and I quickly take the shot that heats up my throat and walk away to the girls a pretty cocktail in hand.
In between them, I sit down, and around the table, we sit at are Scott and Hope, Shuri, Bruce, and Bucky. I listen with one ear to their conversation and look around the party, mostly stopping when my eyes reach Loki, who's in a conversation with Tony, Thor, Vision, and Peter.
"Which one are you looking at because two are taken, one is underage and that leaves the brothers, one of who you despise and the other who you seem to like," Nat whispers in my ear.
"I like Thor but definitely not in a romantic way," I tell her and stop looking at them when they start walking to us.
"Let's play a game," Shuri says and calls over the rest of the team who is not already there, I give up my seat and sit down on the floor, where other people are also sitting or standing, as there isn't enough space for us all.
Bucky: "What game?"
Shuri: "I assume we all know the game called truth or dare."
Everyone nods or agrees.
Shuri: "I'll start, Peter, truth or dare?" Truth he answers. "If you could be one person in this room for a day who would you be?"
Peter: "I guess... Uhh... Just Wanda, she has amazing powers." Wanda smiles at him.
Shuri: "Peter, your turn."
Peter: "I know." He pauses looks around the group and picks a person. This goes on until it's Nat's turn.
Natasha: " Y/N, truth or dare?" I say dare. "I dare you and to stare into Loki's eyes for two minutes."
Y/N: "Nat, are you serious."
Natasha: "Dead serious."
I look at Loki who's rolling his eyes.
Loki: "This is a kid's game I'm not participating in whatever this is." He scoffs.
Y/N: "Come on Loki, I'll let you get a free punch at me."
Loki: "I don't know if that's worth it."
Y/N: "It is, it's great punching me. Ask Nat."
He looks at her who nods and then we sit down on the floor in front of each other and Nat takes out her phone to start the timer.
Natasha: "Go."
We look into each other eyes. I just look. But when I start taking notice of his eye color I begin admiring his eyes. Emerald green, what a beautiful color. We continue staring at one another eyes and finally, the clock starts ringing and I sigh. I stand up and walk away from Loki sitting back down on the floor where I sat before getting dared.
Y/N: "So it's my turn. Tony, truth or dare?"
Tony: "I'll take a dare." He says and I wonder for a while before deciding on what to give the daredevil.
Y/N: "Dare you to take a shot while doing a handstand." His eyes go wide but he doesn't say anything.
Tony: "Pepper will you get me a shot." He takes off his blazer and rolls up his sleeves. When Pepper gets back he asks if she's ready and she nods, he gets on his hands and Pepper pours the shot down his throat. He struggles while getting down as he's coughing.
Tony: "Don't recommend doing that." He says and chuckles echo through the room.
Steve: "Well it's your turn." Steve tells Tony who's taking a sip of water.
Tony: "Let's change the game, how about Never Have I Ever."
Sam: "Everyone knows the rules?" He asks filling up everyone's glasses.
They explain the rules to the people who don't know them and then we start.
Tony: "Never have I lost my virginity." Most people take a sip, including me and Loki. "Let's just go in a circle, so Steve it's your turn."
Steve: "Alright, never have I ever given someone a fake name." Steve's the first to take a sip and a lot more follow, I do too.
Bucky: "Never have I ever, thought about someone in this room intimately."
Hope: "Oooh, spicy." I watch as Tony, Pepper, Steve, Bucky, Wanda, Scott, and Hope take a drink.
Sam: "My turn. Never have I ever given or received a lap dance." Tony, Sam, Rhodey, Bucky, and Hope all take a drink. Some of them getting halfway through their glass.
Strange: "Never have I ever, lied to someone in this room." Not many take a sip but some do.
Banner: "Lied to get out of work." I, Sam, and Scott are the only ones who drink.
The next questions that come are 'been thrown out of a bar or nightclub', 'said "I love you" when you didn't mean it', 'been skinny dipping', 'been cheated on', 'lied in this game', 'gotten a tattoo', 'sent a dirty text to the wrong person', 'tasted dog or cat food', 'danced on top of a counter', 'spent the night in jail', 'manipulated someone', and the last one except me is 'never have I ever jumped out of a window.
I'm last and I say: "Never have I ever had a friend with benefits relationship." No one takes a sip from their glass and I smile. People start saying good night, especially those who don't live here. The last ones who are here are Thor, Loki, Nat, Bucky, and Sam.
Bucky: "This has been a good night." Ha states while topping off his glass, I tilt mine forward him indicating that I want a refill. He pours the alcohol into my glass and I take a sip as soon as the tip of the bottle is away from my glass.
Natasha: "It really has been." She answers. After Nat talks, no one says anything for a while. "I think I'm going to head up to bed."
Y/N: "Okay good night." Everyone repeats and she leaves leaving us five to drink a little more.
We chat about the team and about missions they have gone on, a lot of funny stuff comes up making us all laugh and for the first time I'm not dead serious around Loki, I mean I'm pretty drunk.
Loki: "Y/N, you owe me a punch." He stands up and I do too, I walk to him and he takes a swing at my stomach, I gasp for air and quickly recover because of my abilities. This gets me thinking about my superhero name.
Y/N: "I still haven't decided on a name."
Sam: "What kind of name are we talking about?"
Y/N: "Obviously my superhero name."
Sam: "It wasn't that obvious but okay."
Thor: "That is an important decision I am never going to face." I roll my eyes.
Y/N: "Well I have to get myself a name. I like the name Daggering, but it needs something more."
Loki: "Can't you heal people?"
Y/N: "Yeah."
Loki: "Well, what about Daggering Phoenix." He pauses. "Phoenix, because phoenixes can also heal people."
Y/N: "That's really clever. I like that."
Bucky: "I love it! I think it's just right for you."
Thor: "Bucky's right."
Y/N: "Sam, what do you think about that name?"
Sam: "It's great."
Y/N: "I think it's the one. I'm taking it. Thank you, Loki." But Loki isn't listening.
Sam: "We better head to bed. It's late."
Thor: "I agree, Loki let's go. Good night." We all walk up to our rooms and say good night mine and Loki's room are the farthest away from the stairs so we are the last ones in the hallway. We both just walk into our rooms without saying anything.

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