Part 32

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'So, what do you think? Has she gone forever?' threw in Damon, re-filling his glass.
'I hope not,' mumbled Stefan.
Bonnie's eyes popped out, and she raised her eyebrows. 'And what about Caroline? You're still dating her, aren't you?'
'Yeah, of course,' Stefan blurted out hastily. 'I am.'
Bonnie's eyebrows flew up even higher, and Stefan preferred to fix his eyes on his breakfast so as to escape her judgmental look.
'Let's go eat somewhere else,' Damon suggested.
'I'm up for that,' Bonnie agreed; she grabbed her coat, they both said goodbye to Stefan and went to a café for a delicious breakfast. They ordered pancakes (for nostalgic reasons) and tea, and for a while they were just sitting there in silence, Damon skimming through a newspaper and Bonnie scrolling through her Facebook feed. All of a sudden, she paused when she noticed that Jeremy's dating status had changed to 'engaged'. She almost choked on her bite, which suddenly got stuck in her throat.
Damon looked up from the newspaper and stared at her for a second before he finally helped her catch her breath.
'What's going on?' he asked.
Without a word, Bonnie showed him the screen of her phone, and Damon almost choked too.
'Young Gilbert wants to get hitched all of a sudden?'
'I think I've had enough news about the Gilberts for today,' growled Bonnie; she put her phone into her pocket and cut off a big piece of pancake. However, she was gnawing away at it, and she knew that she was definitely not going to be able to fall asleep because of it tonight.

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