(6) Yots

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A/N Annoyed because Wattpad deleted the last paragraph in my previous chapter! I guess I'll just sum it up in a sentence or two.

Ayanokoji POV

After Sudo departed, the Quintuplets stayed and helped me clean up my room. I didn't mind cleaning it up myself, but it was nice of them to help me out. Itsuki made it clear to everybody that I would be the one tutoring them from now on, and surprisingly, everybody didn't mind, for the most part, however, I'm sure that they must be thinking something in that mind of theirs, whether it be good or bad. Nino's unexpected rise in her academic grades more than likely affected their opinion of me as an intelligent student, while Ichikas's predicament with that upperclassmen probably affected their opinions on me as a person overall; in turn, their evaluation and trust of me have risen, though, I'm not quite sure by how much. It's best to not assume, I shouldn't be worried about that right now.

I grab my phone and check the time.

"5:30 Am," not a bad time to wake up, considering the day is now Saturday, we're in the weekend now.  

Usually, a study group would be helpful during the weekdays to take in what we've recently learned from our time in class and use the information we remember to help us when studying.  The only reason we're doing it today is to figure out how the group will work, as in, finding everybody's weaknesses and strengths, as well as figuring out what everybody is like; what their personality is like.

I should get ready to go for my daily run and workout.

I get up from my bed and head towards my dresser, picking up a tank top and a pair of black shorts to put on from my exercise routine. Thanks to Sudo, I got introduced to tank tops and started wearing them whenever I went out to exercise. The clothing they gave us in the white room was barely regular clothing at all. Still, contrary to what others would decide to do, I wouldn't change my past. I quite like the way it is now. If I changed my past, I wouldn't be Ayanokoji Kiyotaka, no, I would be someone else entirely.

That's another thing I find interesting. I find it common for students to say, 'man, I wish I could go back in time to fix all of my mistakes,' but what they don't know is that those mistakes are what made them who they are today. Actually, it's very likely people already understand this, but want to do it anyways. However, it won't be them who has succeeded in life, it will be someone entirely different. Different personalities, different looks, everything could be entirely different. 

Murphy's law.

Alright, that's the end of my rant, I should really get going.


"Hey, Ayanokoji! Nice to see you here. Are you up to go for a run?!" 

Arriving at the track, I spot Yotsuba who immediately yelled out for me.

"Hey, Yotsuba. Yeah, I'm up for a run right now," it doesn't hurt to go for a run with someone. I don't necessarily need to hide my abilities. "Though, will you be able to keep up with me?" Infuriating your enemies to make them use their full potential is also something I'm interested in. In this case, Yotsuba is my enemy in this run, and I'll be able to see just how well she's able to run. This would be valuable information for Horikita.

"Oh, you must not know me Ayanokoji. I'm THE Yotsuba! A Nakano sister, the fastest of the bunch. That's right! My name is Yotsuba Nakano, I am the fastest woman alive. To the outside world, I'm an ordinary student at ANHS, but secretly, with the help of my sisters, I fight crime- wait, I think I should have stopped sooner, but you get the point, I'm fast!"

"...Was that a quote from a movie or something?" I genuinely don't know. I haven't watched many movies, anime, cartoons, or much of any type of media ever since I was free from the white room.

"How do you not know! It's from The Flash!" She seems genuinely surprised at my insufficient knowledge of TV media.

"I have no idea who that is, never heard of him, never seen him... If it is a him?"

"Whaaaaaaa- You know what it doesn't matter, let's do this Ayanokoji. I'll beat you with no sweat. One lap around the track, the first one to complete the lap around the track gets to dare their opponent. The opponent can not refuse! Do you agree with this Ayanokoji?"

Hmm... a bet Yotsuba herself made, simple conditions, and an easy win? Should I take this bet even with the chance of losing?

What am I kidding. I'm sorry Yotsuba, there's no way you'll beat me, even if I'm going easy. I'm not arrogant, just truthful. 

"Let's do it. I accept the conditions. I'll even allow you to have a 10 second head start." I figured I should be nice to her and give her better chances of winning, though, the chances don't really increase by much.

"You're underestimating me Ayanokoji, but I'll take it. You'd have to be a real dumb dumb not to accept something that gives you more benefits than downsides!"

"Are you ready?" I ask.

"Get set." Apparently thinking I was saying the common phrase "ready, set, go" Yotsuba says the second part of the phrase right after I said the first one.

"Go," I say.

Yotsuba runs off, she's brilliantly conserving her energy with the ten seconds of a head start I gave her, instead of wastefully expending her energy unnecessarily at the start.

One, two, three, four, five. Counting slowly in my head, she makes it a pretty good distance away from the starting line. She's really gifted at running. I wouldn't be surprised if she was pretty good at other athletic sports as well.  Six, seven, eight, nine, and... Ten.

Running at a pretty good pace, I start off slowly, but still faster than the average runner, I start making my way to Yotsuba.

"Waaaaah! How are you so that far already! You should have saved up energy Ayanokoji, you're going to need it' Bleeeeeh," She yells, looking behind her and sticking out her tongue with a smile.

"You're right I should pick up the pace."

Running as fast as I am, while still conserving energy is difficult for most humans. I don't even remember the age I was when I was able to run at speeds like this without feeling a sweat.

"Uh oh," Yotsuba says, realizing that I am catching up to her.

I quickly catch up to her and am now only about ten feet behind her. Not for long, however.

"On your left," I say, passing her and now heading straight for the finish line.

"So you know who Captain America is, but now the Flash?!" She says, ignoring the fact that I passed her.

Captain America? I'm sure that he wasn't in any of the subjects we covered in the white room. Is he a recent historical figure? That would be a weird name for a superhero.  Is there a Captain Canada?


"So you've won," Yotsuba says with a frown.

"Yeah, but I'll ask for that dare later. We should get ready for the tutoring session we'll be having today." I say.

"Right! I'll see you later then, Mr. Koji sir!" 

Yotsuba then runs off using the last of her energy to make it to the dorms.

A hyper girl, she sure is.

(1245 Words)

Short chapter, I know. I'll make one twice the size next time.

Hope you enjoyed!

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