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There is a long silence before Chester finally breaks it.

"Well, congratulations!"

"Yeah, relieving huh?" I fake the enthusiasm.

"Of course. Look, can you do me another favor and list all the people that's been tested today along with their results? I'll tell them to screenshot the results and send it privately to you. Okay?"

I huff to the phone speaker. Here we go again. See? Another task from the boss to his secretary. Can't he at least have a little understanding? I am sick here. Oh wait, of course he can't. He doesn't know my true test result. Even if I told him the truth, I'm pretty sure he would still ask me to do that job. He relies on me too much.

"That's it? I expected you to be grumbling or something, maybe calling me names."

Oh, I would if my result were negative. "Well, I've wasted my energy for being nervous. Deadline?"

"Uh, there's none. Just send it to me when it's done. The sooner the better."

I roll my eyes. "Your wish is my command, motherfucker. Bye." I hang up the phone.

I stare back at my phone, the message from the lab is still open. How could it be? How could I be positive? I feel perfectly fine, no fever or cough or headache, apart from the aftermath of the sampling method. How could I be positive and Chester be negative? He and I drank from the same cup on the party three nights ago, we technically shared saliva. It's not fair!

My notification begins flooding with people, sending me their swab test results. I don't have the mood to open them yet, let alone finishing my new assignment tonight. Just after I locked my phone, a group video call has started. '4c Ladies', the screen says. I pick it up.

"Hey girls, I heard the results are out. Have you got yours?" Emily asks.

Three nights prior to this time, there was a party held by John, one of the student council member. Yesterday morning we were informed that a person who went to the party was confirmed positive with Covid-19. Yeah we know how unwise it was to have a party during a pandemic, but it was a private party. There wasn't more than 20 people.

I live in an apartment with 4 rooms along with three other girls, Emily, Kiara, and Lily. Emily is the only one of us who doesn't join the council. The three of us all went to that party and therefore we were traced and had to take the PCR test this morning. Emily, of course, were scared just as we all were, so she crashed in her friend's place since last night. The remaining three, well we stayed in our bedroom all day, only got out for the bathroom and kitchen. Even we always wear mask whenever we leave our bedroom. You know, you can never be too careful.

Lily answers first. "I'm negative, thank God!"

I feel my eyes burning as hot as my chest. Well, metaphorically for the chest and literally for the eyes. But the pain is real, far inside my chest. I hope they don't see my eyes flooding. I want to scream and shout, whatever to vent my anger. Why is everyone negative? Am I the only one with positive result?

"Good for you, Lil. I'm not," says Kiara weakly.


"You all heard me. I'm positive." Kiara's voice cracks in the end, followed by a sniff.

I know I'm not supposed to feel relieved about this, but I do. I'm not happy, I'm just less angry, less sad. Like some weight has been lifted off my chest. At least I'm not alone.

"Kiara, I'm sorry," says Lily. Both Lily and Emily look sympathetic.

"And Alana?" asks Emily.

"I'm..." I clear my throat. "I'm with Kiara."

Suddenly there's a laughter from Kiara's mic. Emily and Lily stare at her questioningly, but not me. I know exactly why she reacts like that. I can't resist to smile. Kiara feels less sad to hear my result.

"Hi there," greets Kiara.

"I guess we're stuck together in the end." I wink at the camera, for Kiara, forgetting that I also wink at my other two roommates.

"Guys, I really wish you a light-speed recovery," says Emily.

Both Kiara and I nod, understanding Emily's genuine wish.

"Thanks. Although it's not like I'm sick, symptomatically," I say. They can tell that I'm not expecting this, as they know that I have no symptom.

"Meanwhile I kinda know I'd come with positive result. I haven't been feeling good since this morning," says Kiara.

Actually, Lily and I kind of know it too. Kiara has the flu like symptom. We also heard her coming back and forth to the bathroom, vomiting. Poor Kiara.

"Guys, no offense, but I'm gonna stay somewhere for a couple days. Is it okay?" asks Lily cautiously.

"By all means, please. I don't wanna transfer the virus to you. That's what I want, we don't know what the virus wants," I say, shrugging.

"Two weeks Lily, we're gonna come with negative result in two weeks," says Kiara in such confidence.

Lily nods. "I'll start packing and leave. Good night, see you in two weeks."

Two weeks of at least not being completely alone. Unfortunately, there are more important matters in less than two weeks. The Grand Project. The Grand Presentation. The final exam. I'm also supposed to earn a raise and a bonus in the café I'm working at if I make the employee of the week again. The worst thing is I probably should say goodbye to graduating this semester. Fuck. My. Life.

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