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Positive is always a good thing... right?



Hi, thank you for clicking this book. If you've read the synopsis, you'd know that this is a story about someone struggling with a disease. Little hint: it's related to the current pandemic. This is a fiction, inspired by true story (of course, duh, I mean the pandemic in real life is still going on guys, and it is not hoax!).

I'll make it more specific, this fiction story is inspired by my own story. I was confirmed in February 2021, lost everything I fought for, basically my purpose for living at that moment. For the first time in my life, I was hospitalized. Moderate symptoms. After 31 days of isolation, in mid-March my result was finally negative. Took a long time, didn't it? Lol, I almost lost my sanity too to be honest.

The current situation in my country is, how to put it, worse than bad. The new cases as well as the death numbers are increasing significantly. Hospitals in many cities and regions are running out of bed. Some of my friends, who helped providing me life supplies when I was in isolation, were recently confirmed positive too. Pretty bad huh? It's been bugging my mind. I need to do something.

The paragraph above contains some of the things that urge me to write this story. Well, I wanted to write since February but I didn't enjoy doing anything I usually like to do, including writing and watching movies. The purpose of writing this story is to intensify my imagination and writing skills, and also to provide some entertainment for readers. Not that it has benefits for whatever research. Duh, this is fiction, not a thesis.

I repeat once again. This is a fiction. The events, characters, and whatever occurance in this book are all creations of my brain. Apologize in advance if there are any name similarity, or any kind, don't be offended, it's pure coincidence.

As I'm writing this in June 2021, I am fine, but the world is not. We're still facing this pandemic. It's up to us how we protect each other. Follow the health protocol. Stay safe everyone.

With love, Dees.

PositiveNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ