It was the insecurity that he would leave her forever. What if he never came back for her like her mother? But sense jogged her memory that Yu’er was the emperor and definitely, he would come back. This was his home.

“I will do it every chance I get,” he intently stared at her as they continued to dress him.

She always enjoyed watching them dress him every morning. Another thing she would miss enjoying.

When they were done, Yuwen Hong asked them to leave and give them some space. For a moment after they were gone, from across the room, he pensively observed her.

But why was she afraid? Yuwen Hong was so strong and courageous. He would win and come back home.

“I will be here waiting,” her voice was groggy as tears traced her cheeks.

He smiled and ambled to the bed. “I know you will be.” He pulled her to stand with him. “And you will be my courage whenever I feel like I cannot make it.” His thumbs dried her cheeks.

“You? Since when are you ever demotivated?”

He laughed. “You would be surprised.”

His eyes trained on hers, his expression softening. Moments like these, his eyes were always different. They drew hers and never could she look away at anything else. He could see into her soul, knew her fears, her worries, and the things making her anxious. No man could be like him. He was her only. Just like he always said about her.

“I love you, Li Lian. If you forget everything about us, these words only remember.”

She could feel the stiffness in her evaporate immediately, her muscles giving way and relaxing.

He opened her fisted hand and she felt something metal.

Surprised, she curiously held it up to discover it was a key.

“A key?” she questioned.

He grinned. “I have this pendant,” he exposed her pendant on his neck, “so in exchange you get access to my heart.”

Her eyes bobbed in disbelief. It was the key that could open the chest keeping his heart.

She hurriedly wiped her still oncoming tears.”You trust me that much?”

“I wouldn’t dare not to. At this point I have gone in too deep to look back.”

At this, she hugged him, overcome by emotions and her love for him. He trusted her, loved her, and had faith in her. It was beyond words.

“Don’t just hug me,” he chuckled. “Kiss me too.”

Oh, she loved him so much.

Outside, there were so many of his military men waiting. He stated that he was going to lead up to six thousand of them into battle. The rest, four thousand, would be led South by the other generals so that they could ambush Gurio from both sides.

All the concubines and royals awaited at the middle grounds besides the men ready for war. It was time to bid farewell.

Li Lian held onto Yuwen Hong’s arm, as if that way he would stay and not leave.

When they got to his black horse, he took her into a hug and again tears streamed, messing her up.

“Shh. I will be back before you know it,” he comforted. “Muqin is here to take care of you, Luo Meng will protect you, and you must just focus on preparing for your reign as the phoenix.”

The Grand Dowager had already announced that she was to be his empress. Yuwen Hong had been happy about it for days and no day passed without him mentioning how he looked forward to it.

Li Lian nodded as they parted and tried to wipe her endless tears.

“Yu’er, eat well, look after yourself, and come back soon.” The Grand Consort was by them, worrying as the mother hen she knew to be.

Yuwen Hong still stared at Li Lian with a slight concern on whether she would be all right. He took her hand and intertwined it with his before kissing her knuckles.

It sent tingles along her nerves that she did not care much about in her sadness of seeing him go. So much time spent together, yet it's only now she realised that he had become a part of her. Not just part of her life.

When he mounted the horse, cheered on with his men, his harem waving, Li Lian did not see much of it as she hid in the arms of the Grand Consort, weeping as one who had just lost her husband.


Soon, he had to come back.

~Author's Note

This week I did a mass release, considering it is already 4 chapters and I 'may' do  one more during the weekend. Please vote to show your support. 😄💪💙


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