Cate dropped her purse on the couch as soon as she arrived home. To be an actress was not a piece of cake - one had to deal with all the pressure and the toxicity;  the glam and glitz were just background, just facades luring people, but in reality, it's a fucked up system. Carol 2015 got robbed of an Oscar and the blonde didn't see that coming. She thought, along with the million people who watched the film believed that an Oscar would be paying them off, but they got it wrong. Sure, sportmanship should be laid on the table, but how could she do that if she knew that the Oscar was bought? When Cate slumped down on the sofa, Sandra stepped into the front door, obviously chasing her.

"Hey..." Sandra chimed sweetly as she stood in front of Cate.

The brunette looked ravishing in her nude gown. The piece hugged the corners of her body perfectly. Her hair was droppped in waves. She was beyond perfection, but the look on her face painted the opposite. She had a frown as she looked at the blonde who was sitting on the couch wearing a frown too.

"Baby..." The brunette spoke, ushering her to smile, she then sat beside Cate and dropped an arm behind her back, "Stop that frown."

'"I just don't get it, okay?" Cate stood up and ran her fingers on her hair before she looked at Sandra, "I am not upset about me not winning tonight. I'm upset for the team! And hey," she bent down and stared at her girlfriend seriously, "The Oscar was fucking bought! I mean, who would be okay with that?"

Sandra got off her seat and snaked her arms on Cate's waist as she stood in front of the blonde, "I know, baby. I know." She spoke as she held her cheek, turning Cate's face to look at her, "Baby, a big fuck and a loud boo to that bullshit academy. Now, what do you need? A glass of water? Vodka? Whiskey?" She asked, caressing the blonde's cheek gently.

The blonde heaved a deep sigh before she leaned her head on Sandra's shoulder, "Baby, a glass of cold water would be perfect, please."

Sandra rubbed her back, "Noted, sweetie. Wait here." She added, placing a kiss on the side of her head before she left the scene.

Cate was left on the living area, still mad. But it didn't take too long for the brunette got back right away. She handed the glass to the blonde and helped her drink. When Cate was done, Sandra got the glass, placed it on the table and she snaked her arms on Cate's waist again.

"Feeling better?"

Cate shook her head.

"What else do you need, baby?"

Cate sighed, "I don't know."

"How about a kiss?"

Cate gave her a long glance before she put her arms on Sandra's neck, "I guess I need that too."

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