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Dallas sped down the street with his emergency lights on. "Dal, Johnny is bleeding pretty bad back here." Ponyboy said anxiously. Dallas began feeling unease rise in him. "I-I know Pony." Dallas felt tears sting his eyes a little, if Johnny die- "No Dallas he'll be ok." he pushed the idea from his mind hitting the gas slightly harder. When he reached the emergency room he parked, threw the door of the Rover open, and grabbed Johnny. Johnny felt a pair of hands squirm their way under his body, though he was too weak to respond. He knew it was Dallas and found the thought comforting. Dallas carried Johnny to the emergency room's waiting area with Ponyboy at his heels. The two were immediately met by security and a few nurses with a stretcher. "What happened?" Asked a male nurse. "I'm not sure! He's my friend and I found him like this in an abandoned lot in our neighborhood!" The nurse looked at Ponyboy who nodded in agreement. The nurses loaded Johnny out of Dallas' arms and onto a stretcher. Dallas followed behind the nurses. Once the doctors gave Johnny a blood transfusion, deduced he had a few broken ribs and a broken arm Dallas was sitting at his bedside while Ponyboy went to go get vending machine snacks. Dallas pulled out his phone and dialed Darryl. Darry picked up being much more panicked than Dallas expected. "What's wrong!? Did Two get alcohol poisoning again!? Did Soda re-brake his ankle!? Did Ponyboy burn himself on the oven again?!?" Dallas was taken aback by the panic. "No dude why're you freaking out?" Darry took a deep breath to calm himself. "Because you only call when things go wrong." Dallas was confused. "No I don't man! That's besides the point, I need you to come pick up Pony from the hospital after work." "WHAT?!??!?!?! WHY??!!?! WHAT HAPPENED?!?!!?!?" The panic returned in Darry's voice. "Man Pony is fine. Johnny got the shit beat out of him by his parents, I'm not sure why. I'm gonna stay here with him cuz the doctor wants to observe him overnight." Darryl replied a bit calmed. "Is he ok?" "Yeah man, just beaten pretty bad." Dallas looked over at the small boy. "Ok" Darry replied calmly. Ponyboy returned with some Oreos, a Snickers, and some Pepsi. "Darry will be here to pick you up at 8 man." Dallas said in a cool tone. "Ok" Pony replied popping an Oreo in his mouth.

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