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      He softened his tone. “No matter what you do, I or another man won’t be able to make you forget your one true love.”

      She took a breath. “Can I think about it?”

      He nodded. “I’ll always take good care of Lucas, and Kate adores him. You will always be his mother. But you deserve to be happy Suzanne. You deserve to have love. And I’ll never be able to give you that. But I can be a father to Lucas. Please just think about it.”


      He left the uneaten dinner at Suzanne’s and drove the short distance to his apartment. He missed Kate. He needed Kate. He’d fight for custody of Lucas if he had to. He could take a part time schedule and commute to New York every weekend if he had to. But he couldn’t live without Kate. 

      He stopped at the mailbox and picked up his mail. He hadn’t heard from Kate. Not that he’d tried to contact her. What would he say? He got into the elevator. He looked at his watch. The last train for the day had already left. But traffic should have died down. If he left now he could be in Charlotte by the morning. He pulled out his smartphone and looked at the route. 

      Absently, he opened the door to his apartment. He’d rented a large two bedroom this time so there’d be plenty of room for Lucas. He stepped past the threshold, his eyes glued to the traffic maps calculating how long it would take to get to Kate. 

      “This place looks worse than your dorm.”

      He whirled. 


      She stood in the doorway smiling. 

      He closed the distance between them and pulled her close. His mouth claimed hers, devouring her essence. He pressed her close to him, ran his hand through her hair, down her back, pressing her closer and closer. 

      His tongue plundered into her mouth, wanting to taste her softness, her sweet and salty taste. He needed her with the hunger of a starving man. 

      She protested and broke the kiss. 

      “I need some air.”

      He grinned. “I just need you baby, air is optional.”

      He went to kiss her again but she was quicker this time. She placed a hand on his mouth.

      “How about we talk first?”

      He rolled his eyes. “So not what I want to do.” He tightened his grip on her, pressing her body against his so she could feel how hard he was for her. He cupped her buttocks and rubbed against her, putting his lips on the curve of her neck. He knew she liked being kissed there. He could feel her pulse quicken beneath his lips. 

      She was wearing a blouse tucked inside a skirt. He pulled the blouse out with his hands, eager to touch her skin. He pushed his hands underneath her blouse.

      “Get a room!”

      Kate pushed him back, laughing. He looked past her to his neighbor who was grinning mischievously at him. He was a college student.

      Kate stepped in and closed the door behind her. 

      “This place really is like your college dorm.” 

      He shrugged. “Lucas liked all the moving boxes so we decided to make tents and little houses with them.”

      She smiled warmly. “How is he?”

A Second OpinionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz