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I'm torn from my thoughts when I hear a knock at the post of my tent, I placed my quill down and pulled on the closed sheet to open it slightly. I see Lee standing there and I smile at him, he just hands me a paper and walks off without saying a word, I make my way over to my makeshift desk and sit down. I softly open the paper, seeing its the duel notice, and read what Lee filled out, I don't like this. At all. Despite being in love with Alex, I lowkey have feelings for Lee. He's just so cute and sweet.

"John." I hear, I look up and see Alex looking at me. "I've been standing here for five minutes." He pouts.

"Sorry, I was just lost in my thoughts." I reply.

"It's fine my love, Burr just tried to talk me out of the duel." He sighs, sitting on the bed. I flip my chair around and look at him. "Why would he even defend Lee? No one likes Lee anyways so what's the fucking point??" 

"I'm sure some people like him, Alex I don't think this-"

"Are you really trying to back out?? I already told Burr that you're not backing out. You have to do it now." Alex says, glaring at me.

"Alex I don't want too. I'm just gonna aim for the sky or some shi-"

"No. Please? He deserves it." 

"Alex no one deserves to be shot." I say, standing up and looking at him.

"Well he does. Lee he doesn't deserve his titles-" 

"Are you fucking serious?" I ask. "Is this seriously because YOU'RE jealous?" I point at him accusingly.

"No! It's because he's a bad solider!" Alex said, starting to look mad. He stands up and looks me in the eyes. "You look hot when you're mad."

"Alex." I warn. 

He kisses me, nibbling on my lip and I pull away, pushing him on the bed and walking out of the tent. "What the hell?" He yells after me. I ignore him and walk into the woods, just to clear my head. After a while of walking, I hear a voice and look up.

"Spada, no, you don't need to eat birds," He said, picking up a dog.

"Why can't he eat the birds?" I ask curiously. He turned around and softly glared at me.

"Shouldn't you be with your boyfriend rather than the person you are supposed to duel in 2 weeks?" He asked me, the dog jumped out of Lee's arms and tried to greet me. He stood on his hind legs, softly pawing at my pant leg.

"What is your dog doing...?" I asked, confused.

"Shake Spada's paw," He replied, rolling his eyes.

"Okay then..." I said, bending down and shaking Spada's paw. Spada seemed happy as he walked off, checking the bush for more birds. "Anyway, I was wanting to talk to you about something," I say as I stood back up and looked at him.

"I'd rather not, you and I are still due to duel in 2 weeks and Spada still needs his walk," He said turning away. I was left standing at the bush. I looked down and softly kicked a rock.

"I don't want to duel.. You don't have to show up.." I say quietly as if he were still around. I continue my walk and find a nice tree, I should turn around and go back to camp, but Alex is there. So is Burr and probably Lee. I shrug, deciding to hang around here for a while, I climb the tree and sit on a branch, kicking my legs and smiling at the sun. I back myself up so I'm leaning against the middle of the tree and doze off.

----- dream woooo -----

"Hey Lee." I said to him, smiling as he hugged me tight and I kissed his forehead. 

"Hi my love!" He giggled in reply.

"I made you dinner!" I smile, revealing a small table with all of his favorite foods. He blushes and sits at one side of the table and I sit across from him and smile at him. We eat until we're stuffed and then lay in my bed, softly kissing and making out. I drag my hand up and down his bare side, making goosebumps rise to his skin. "I love you."

"I love you too, my prince." 

Plastic Promises // LeerensWhere stories live. Discover now