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Once I fixed my bandages, I adjusted my waistcoat and turn to Burr. He smiled softly, and I just knew that my hair was a mess and tear stains left my face looking like broken porcelain. I didn't care, I just lost my only reason to care. Burr took a small breath.

"Do you want to talk about whatever that was?" he asked calmly.

"I'd rather not. What sent you running to my tent so late?" I countered. I wasn't ready to drop a dump truck of my emotions on poor Burr. He didn't deserve to carry my emotional baggage.

"It's... Theo's ex wife," he said softly.

"I...I didn't know she had a wife before," I said, slightly confused.

"Well, she did... her name is Sarah. I solemnized their marriage. But I just heard she got horribly sick and I don't know how to tell Theo... The girls love each other so much, I almost fear for my marriage," Burr said. He rested his arms on my desk and slowly rotated around in the chair. Chatter from outside the tent made its way in, although it was too soft to determine what it was.

"Well... is there anything you or I could do to help her?" I asked, carefully. Burr shook his head and gave a false smile. I saw right through it, but gave a small, genuine one back.

"Don't tell Theodosia unless this Sarah person becomes fatal, alright? I-I know it seems like a horrible thing to do, but it might be the best thing you've got," I said. Spada hopped onto my cot and looked at me with his puppy eyes. I sat by him and ruffled his fur.

"Thanks, Lee... You have no idea what it means to have someone to talk to about this," Burr said as he began to leave. He opened the tent flap and stood for a second before closing it.

"You have a guest, do I let him in?" Burr asked. I leaned forward, in hopes to see who it was, but he was just out of sight.

"...Yeah, I guess," I said, slightly confused. Burr left and Laurens walked in, looking sheepish. I groaned and turned my back to him.

"Listen- I know-" he started, but I didn't have time for his excuses.

"Stop it, you said you wouldn't blow me off. Yet, I waited at the lake for half an hour, waiting for you to show. Then, I pass by your tent and heard someone in there. Laurens, I'm not going to be a side piece for you, just to get attention from when Hamilton can't give it to you. Next time, don't make promises you can't fucking keep," I said. I didn't turn once, nor look him in the eye. It felt just like I was practicing an improv speech to Spada, except, there would be a response. No time to mend what I said, no time to fix tiny details.

"That's what you think? I am not using you for attention. I didn't mean to get caught up with Alex, or to blow you off. Hell, I didn't even know if you were being serious! So, please, just give me a chance to prove that my full attention belongs to you, Charles," Laurens said. I sighed through my nose in return. I didn't have the time to deal with him. Nor did I want to, but there's something so addictive about him. The way he said my name sounded soft, admirable, I couldn't just say no.

"Fine. But I'll make sure Hamilton won't be a distraction to you. Meet me at the woods entrance in a week. Be there or I'm never trusting you again," I said, finally turning around. Laurens looked a little nervous, playing with the side of his ascot. It gave a little, showing the edge of a dark hickey. I didn't know what else to expect from him and Hamilton alone.

"...Alright, I will," he said, breaking our silence. I kept a straight face and flipped back around to face the wall. It was rather late and I was tired. Being let down was a tiring activity. Laurens didn't make any sounds, so I wasn't sure if he had left or if he stood right behind me. My question was answered with a small sound of steps and Spada growling.

"You don't need to stay, I told you this before," I said.

"I... know, but I was wondering if you're alright with me holding you..." Laurens said. I weighed the pros and cons in my head of this. On one side, Burr could walk in bright and early and see Laurens. On the other, being held by Laurens and falling asleep doesn't seem like a bad idea. I sighed and scooted inward.

"Fine, get over here," I said. Spada walked to my back and growled at Laurens. I smiled and turned around.

"Spad, be nice," I muttered taking him to my other side. He stopped growling and just laid, keeping an eye out for Laurens. Laurens laid away from Spada. I was sandwiched between them, feeling safe. Safer than I normally would with just Spada around. I smiled to myself and let my body be pulled closer to Laurens.

Plastic Promises // LeerensHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin