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Laurens wooo 
and it's not smut, i'm sure charles wouldn't like me writing that in our shared books, it's just a heated make out session

I bite my lip as Alex attaches his lips to my neck, softly sucking a dark hickey. He places his hands on my ass and I yelp, but before we can get further I hear a soft tapping on my tent. I signal for Alex to open it while I try to hide er- my problem. 

"Lee? What are you doing here?" I hear Alex ask. I pop up next to my boyfriend and Lee looks at my neck. I realize the hickey is visible and I sigh, Alex is going to pay for that. 

"I just- Where is the general's tent?" He asked looking upset. Alex and I pointed him in the direction of General Washingtons tent. As soon as he was gone, I pulled Alex back into the tent to finish what we started. 


"...Why did Lee get promoted instead of me? I'm Washingtons right hand man!" I zone back out and groan, Alex has been pacing the tent for the last 2 hours, going on and on about how Lee shouldn't have gotten promoted and how he deserved it. 

"Why can't you try and be happy for him?" I suggest. "Don't let your jealousy make you do anything stupid."

"If you were a good boyfriend you'd help me." He snaps.

"How? Do you want me to fucking duel him? Would that make you happy?" I reply. 

"Yes, yes it would." Alex says, sitting down next to me.

"What?" I say, standing up. "What if I die?"

"You won't. And I'll be your second! Please?" He gets on his knees and begs.

"You look so stupid, fine." I say, I'm not sure about this though, but if it makes Alex happy... I decide pull out some paper and a quill to write the duel offer. 

"Make sure to include that he's inexperienced and ruinous. Also about him fleeing at-" 

"I got it." I say, cutting off my boyfriend.

"A-And that I'm your second!" He said before sitting down on the bed and grabbing his stuffed animal. I sigh and write everything down before kissing Alex's cheek. 

"I'm going to give this to Burr so he can deliver it to Lee. I love you baby." 

"M love you too..." He mumbled before rubbing his eyes and yawning. He laid down and began to fall asleep. 

I make a quick trip to Burrs tent and slip the duel offer under the opening, which has been shut for the night, with the words: "Addressed to Charles Lee." written neatly in script on it. After I get back to my tent, I wash up and get in pajamas before crawling in the bed next to my boyfriend. 

Plastic Promises // LeerensWhere stories live. Discover now