8. My poor heart

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"So what is he really like?" I asked Quinn, pressing my phone to my ear.

I could hear her munching down hard on something on the other end. It was Sunday night and I was lying down comfortably on my bed talking to Quinn. After my eventful night at Jamie's party Quinn had offered to tell me more about Logan but since she works during the weekend we've had little time to talk. I waited patiently all day to hear her voice, not just to talk about Logan and stuff but because I kind of like talking to her now.

"Give me a sec." she said. I heard her shout something to her mom then she came back on the phone. "Where were we?"

"You were gonna tell me what Logan is like?" I reminded her.

"Right." She took a deep breath. "Where to begin...." She trailed. I could sense that she was tired by her tone. "You've liked him for a while now, I'm sure you know everything there is to know about him."

"Not really." I said, playing with the tips of my hair.

She Yawned. "Well he's kind of serious at times. He has a pretty rad taste in music. He plays the guitar and he was in a band with Jamie and some other guys."

I rose from the bed sitting down. "He was in a band?" I asked. What kind of band?"

"You know like an alternative rock band." She said, yawning loudly. "It was short lived though 'cause they were only messing around trying to find something to do during the summer."

"What was the band's name?"

"The Druggies."

"The Druggies?" I repeated with distaste in my mouth. "Why would they name it that?"

"Jamie said it was to pay homage to all his favorite musicians who died of a drug related death."

"How clever." I said sarcastically. I ran my free hand through my hair. "Speaking of drugs... he doesn't do any, does he?"

 "Who? Jamie?"

"No."I yelped. "Logan, we're talking about Logan."

"No Spencer he doesn't do drugs." She said with frustration in her tone. "He doesn't even smoke weed."

"That's good."

"See you two are perfect together."

I sighed dreamily. "Oh I wish."

"It's gonna happen Spencer. I'm going to make it happen." She said.

"If you say so."

"I do say so." She said, sternly.

"Okay, Okay." I agreed. "Hey, um." I scratched my throat a little. "Now that we're friends__ she cut me off with a loud squeal. "You wouldn't let me make a fool out of myself would you?"

"I won't." She said and I sighed with relief. "Hey listen, I gotta go now."

"Okay."I grumbled. "See you tomorrow."

"So um...... can I pick you up tomorrow morning or is your dad already taking you."

"S-Sure, you can pick me up" I said, scratching my head.

"Cool then, bye and I'll see you tomorrow."

"Bye."I said pressing end call on my phone.

My dad practically took me to school every day. I've carpooled with Chloe's mom a few times in the past but it's mostly been my dad. Riding to school with Quinn was going to be a new experience. Our friendship was progressing faster than I thought and it didn't scare me at all.

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