She blinked in confusion. Her heart leaped with joy. Tingles of excitement coursed through her. 

      She searched his eyes but all she saw was naked want. He began kissing her, working his way down her body, groaning with pleasure. 

      “God you are so beautiful Kate. I want you so much.”

      Her legs felt like rubber. She leaned against him. Was this real? Was she dreaming? 

      A noise from the other room pulled them both into reality. Nick cursed. “I take back what I said about Lucas.” His voice was thick. She laughed and reached for her t-shirt and sweats, still conscious that Nick could see her entire body.

      Nick’s arms were outstretched, holding Lucas under his armpits. His face was contorted. “I don’t think I’ve smelled anything like this in my life.”

      Kate laughed. “Oh come on, it can’t be worse than anatomy lab, I’ll even help.”

      They set Lucas on the carpeted floor. Kate brought a diaper and wipes while Nick gingerly opened the offending diaper. 

      “Oh my god, my eyes are stinging.” 

      Kate laughed and handed him the wipes. “Get used to this. Boys are late bloomers, he probably has another six months to a year before he starts potty training.”

      “Potty training?”

      Kate shook her head. “Oh the surprises you have in store for you.”

      She stood up. “I’ll make us some kid friendly breakfast.” They ate breakfast at the kitchen table, Nick holding Lucas in his lap. After they were done, Kate got Lucas dressed while Nick put on his scrubs. 

      Kate helped him put the carseat into his car. They strapped Lucas in. He leaned over to give Kate a kiss. “Kate, I love you. Please tell me you love me. I need to know.” 

      Love you? I am doing somersaults and cartwheels right now. She managed to nod demurely. “Nick I’ve loved you all my life.” 

      He grinned and kissed. “Then I am glad I’ve finally come to my senses.”

      Kate didn’t have any morning appointments. She had asked her assistant to keep her schedule light and limited to urgent appointments while Sid was still in the ICU. She drove home and showered. She stepped on the scale, as she did every morning. She cringed. She was now only fitting into clothes at the back of her closet. 

      But who cares? She thought back to the morning. Nick loved her. Really loved her. Loved her despite seeing her like this. Even Bryan had never seen her at her worst. She squared her shoulders. 

      She padded into the bedroom and picked up her cell phone. 

      “Marcia. I changed my mind. I want the Peach Street house. Increase the offer by ten percent.”

      Marcia was delighted. She assured Kate that it wasn’t too late and promised to put the paperwork in right away.

She decided to stop by the hospital and see Sid before heading to the office. She could also look in on Lucas to make sure he was okay at daycare. She knew that once Nick started surgery, they wouldn’t interrupt him. 

She walked to the ICU with a spring in her step. She was wearing a black pantsuit and a blue blouse. Her entire back closet consisted of dark colors and slimming lines. Normally, she’d be anxious and planning her daily calories. But this morning was different. This was the first morning of a new life where she wouldn’t obsess over what clothes she was wearing. Because it didn’t matter. Nick loved her. Really loved her. Loved her even after seeing her at her fattest. Nothing could spoil the day for her.

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