[23] out of the dark.

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you sprinted as fast as you could to the golden house, if childe was really there then so would be the traveler, If those two get in a fight they'll destroy the golden house and might possibly get the citizens hurt.

You arrived at the golden house, the door was unlocked and you heard swords clashing inside.

You rushed through the doors and first thing you saw was the milliliths laying down unconscious.

"Not bad, your swordsmanship is quite impressive."

A voice echoed, childe's voice.
You hurridly towards his voice, you almost didn't recognize him due to the way he looked, there he was in the middle of the golden house, with the traveler a few feet away from him with cuts and bruises over him.

"But that's about as far as you'll get." childe finished, the electro spear in his hand, he dashed towards the traveler.

You summoned your sword and bolted towards them, if only you had your vision, the outcome might have been different.

You shrieked in pain as childe's spear pierced you, The blow sending you flying.

You hit the floor with a loud thud, your blood smearing the ground.

Damn it.. If only I was faster-!

"Daah! He killed her!" paimon squealed, childe dropped his weapon and rushed to you, his hands shaking and his eyes widened with fear.

"(Name)..(name)!" he called out for you "shit..I'm so sorry!" , he checked for a pulse and sighed in relief when he felt your heart beating.

He got up and locked eyes with the traveler.
"I'm done playing with you."

Childe felt someone tug on his clothes, he Turned around and saw you on your knees, your other hand on your wound.

he helped you get up, you let him go and smiled at him sadly.
"You two are gonna kill each other."

"(Name) we have to get you fixed up"

"I'm fine-"
He slightly touched your wound and you hissed in pain.

"I'm not planning on dying yet.." you muttered
"Don't hurt each other any further."

Childe didn't say anything, he kept his gaze on the ground.
"I'm sorry (name)..but you know I have to do this"

you Furrowed your brows, the headache you've been ignoring since that vanguard smashed you on the ground got worse, you dragged your eyes to the traveler that stood there cautiously, ready to jump in incase.

Just leave already..

"(Name) where's your vision?" Childe questioned.

"the fatui..they.." your vision was getting blurry, you tried your best to stay on your feet.
Childe was quick to wrap his arms around you.
"What did they to you?..I'm really sorry."

He had to make it quick, take the gnosis.leave the scene and get you healed.
He gently placed you on the ground, though he stopped the bleeding with his scarf, he still needed to take you to someone else.

"Childe..don't" you weakly called out to him, the wound Hurting more.

Childe galloped to the exuvia, he was so fast you couldn't follow him with your eyes, he forced his hand into the corpse but it was empty once he took it out, he chuckled bitterly.

"(Name) close your eyes, things will get pretty ugly." Childe said in a monotone, it sent a shiver down your spine. You've never seen him like this.

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