[17]maybe it is a date~

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"Where are we even going?" You tried to pull your hand away from the harbinger, he gently tightened the grip around your hand, you sighed and continued following him. This really is a kidnapping.

"Say sweetheart, what's the most beautiful place in liyue in your opinion?" Childe asked, still holding your hand.

"There's a really big tree next to mt.hula, the place is so pretty..why?" You tilted your head as you tried to pull your hand back but failed.

"Well we are going on a date aren't we?" He smiled and continued walking, you just sighed to yourself once again. Was he really into you or was he just trying to get in your pants?

After what seemed like hours, you finally arrived at mt.hula. A big smile was on your face as you walked towards the giant tree, it was so beautiful, it had many crystals on it and it was really colorful.

Childe too seemed amused by it, he looked at the ground for a second and saw some glowing gold flowers. He knelt down and grabbed one as it continued to glow like the sun.

You heard him walking towards and turned around, he placed the flower he picked up in your hair and smiled softly at you.

"You look beautiful." He put a strand of your hair behind your ear as he stared deeply into your eyes. You felt your face heat up and you couldn't look him straight in the eyes, you looked in another direction as you covered your face with your hands.

"Awwe~ getting flustered? Lemme see your face cutie!" He tried to grab your hands but you  resisted and attempted to get away but he wrapped his arms around your waist trapped you.

"I'm gonna bite you"

"Do it."

"OUCH NOT LITERALLY" Childe let go of you, you giggled at his expression as he looked at his hand then back at you, his face softened seeing you laugh.

His gaze was locked on you for a few seconds before regaining his posture, he grinned again and put a hand on his chin.

"Would you want to go to mondstadt with me? I was thinking about going to that tavern, maybe you could also see those to friends of yours..I did interrupt you guys last time-"

A big smile spread across your face and your eyes shined like a child's
"Really? We can go to mondstadt again?!"

Childe nodded and you excitedly clung onto his arm.
"Let's go then~"

Childe didn't say anything and just walked with you, a big smile on his face.

After awhile of walking it was starting to get dark, the two of you were really close to mondstadt and on the way you happened to bump into little qiqi from bubu pharmacy, she looked really down.

"Qiqi!" You walked up to her and immediately wrapped your arms around her small figure, she was confused but hugged you back with her little arms.

"What are you doing out here all alone sweetie? it's getting really late you should go back to the pharmacy". You gently pinched her cheeks, qiqi just looked at you with an..upset expression? You couldn't really tell. Her eyes were empty and she was never able to express any type of emotion.

"qiqi.. searching for baizhu, but qiqi still can't find baizhu.." the little girl mumbled while staring at her bandaged legs, your heart ached seeing her like this. But it hurt more knowing baizhu was still missing.

"So what's going on?" Childe knelt down to qiqi's level, curious of why would a child would be wandering out in the wild all alone.

"Do you know mr.baizhu? Owner of bubu pharmacy?" You questioned the fatui harbinger, still holding qiqi in your arms.

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