Chapter 2

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Out of all the places they could of moved to in New York. Of course her rich ass parents chose Manhattan. But why?

I can tell she remembers me because her bright blue eyes widen and she instantly pales. Not so happy to see me? I can't help but smirk. I bet she'll start asking for names from now on. She slowly eyes me up and down.

After noticeably checking me out she grabs the little girl's hand and pulls her to her side possessively not letting go. I don't know if she thought I was gonna kidnap little cousin or whatever she is to her. But jokes on her because I don't even like kids.

I can't help but check Aurora out. Let me just say she really aged well. She dyed her hair a silver color. It looks good in her and brings out her eyes But she has the same athletic physique she had in school. I wonder why she isn't a model herself. Hell, maybe she is I wouldn't know. Her shirt hugs her figure very nicely and her shorts show off her thighs. Me gusta.

I lick my lips but stop studying her when I catch a glimpse of the kid's face. I study the kid's faces closely and my brows furrow. She's adorable... for a parasite but I can't help but notice that she has the exact same bright green eyes as me. She kind of looks like me a bit in the face too.

It's rare to have bright green eyes. Most people's are dull green and more hazel. I don't think I've ever seen a blonde with eyes like that either.

But I must be delusional because she also looks like Aurora with the dirty blonde hair and a bit in the face as well. No way Aurora has a kid, the kids' like 4. Me and Aurora are 22.

I'm not exaggerating when I say this kid would be a mini me if you gave her black hair. Even now I could probably pass as her mo-. I look back up to Aurora and she looks hella nervous. I refuse to go down that train of thought. There's no way it's hers anyway.

Since she doesn't seem like she's gonna speak first I take the lead. "Aurora! ¡Mirate! Its quite the coincidence seeing you here. Ive wondered where you disappeared to all these years." I make sure to be extra smart assy.

She was my first everything and even though we weren't together anymore she still could have let me know that she was moving. The old man clears his throat and dismissed himself I assume he could sense the tension.

Her facial expression contorts into confusion. "Pardon? You must have confused me for someone else." I roll my eyes because only Aurora would respond like this.

I fake a laugh. "Good one so how have you been?"

She doesn't reply and keeps the same confused expression. So I decide to play along. "I'm sorry. What's your name? Maybe I am mistaken."

She takes a second before settling on "Beatrice" I snort.

Before I can say something else the little parasite ruins my entire mood when she enthusiastically butts in to say, "Nuh mommy it's Aurora 'member becuz you names me Ariel so we can both be PRINCESSES!" I wince when she yells the last word. I dislike little kids so much.

My heart skips a beat and I think Aurora's does the same because she looks even paler. My brain is malfunctioning. ¿Qué chingados? Did she just say mommy?

I put on a very cheery false smile before bending down to the kids height. "And how old are you?" I ask in a sweet toned voice reserved only for kids.

She gives me a toothy smile eerily similar to my own. "Thwee"

I stand up. Wait a fucking minute no that can't be right. If this kid is 3 somebody's got some explaining to do. Aurora is 22. No way she had a kid. We were together when we were 18. Did she move on that fast or did she cheat?

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