Jungkook continued to watch his husband rummaging among his work shirts, his amazing arse bobbing up and down, and side to side, tempting him so much.

So he did what any good husband would do.

He pulled Jin out from among his clothes, put him over his shoulder, and carried him to their bed.

"Jungkook! What are you doing?!"

"What does it look like I'm doing?" Jungkook's voice was low as he took off his shirt, jeans, and boxers.

Jin's eyes widened and he tried to scramble off the bed but Jungkook was quicker, and he pulled Jin back by his ankles before removing his husband's clothes.

Jin tried to protest but Jungkook's sinful tongue and lips on his nipples soon had him purring like a blissful kitten.

And the item that Jin had retrieved from their wardrobe before Jungkook unceremoniously carried him away, fell limply from his hand as he surrendered to his husband's expert handling of his body.

Later that night, Jungkook held Jin in his arms and kissed the top of his head over and over again, making his husband sigh contentedly.

"What were you looking for earlier?"


Jin was feeling very relaxed after their love-making.

Jungkook always knew how to take him to the end of the earth and back.

"Just now among our clothes. What were you looking for?"


Jin sat up suddenly, catching Jungkook by surprise.

He admired his husband's gorgeous body as Jin leaned over the side of the bed to look for something on the floor.

"Got it!" Jin cried triumphantly, and returned to Jungkook's arms. "Your mum sent it."

There was a simple photo frame in his hand.

When Jin turned it, Jungkook gasped.

It was a collage of three pictures.

The picture on the right brought a happy smile to Jungkook's face.

It was of him kissing Jin passionately on the lips after their wedding.

His husband looked like an adonis in his impeccable suit.

Handsome, sexy, delicious.

And Jungkook can still remember how he ravaged him when they consummated their marriage.

It was the most amazing sex he had ever had.

The picture on the left was of Jin looking down at baby Jungkook who was looking up at him with unfocused eyes.

It was their first meeting when Jin was almost five, and Jungkook was one month old.

The middle picture was from his fourteenth birthday dinner.

Both he and Jin were asleep in it, and his head was tucked in the crook of Jin's neck.

He and Jin had fallen asleep at the restaurant, tired from having just returned from their fishing and camping trip.

And his mum had taken the picture as they slept.

Jungkook knew this because a copy of the same photo still sat on the piano in his childhood home.

His mum had smiled fondly at him when she teased him the next day about falling asleep on Jin, almost as if she knew a secret that Jungkook was not privy to.

And now that he was married to the love of his life, Jungkook knew how smart his mother was.

Tears welled in Jungkook's eyes as he looked at the picture.

He realised that his mum must have suspected then how he felt because this was around the time when he had begun developing deep feelings for Jin.

But he had been young, and he had not understood so he had fought it and never breathed a word to anyone because he was afraid that it was wrong to feel that way about his Jin-hyung.

Instead, he had acted out and was extremely rude to Namjoon-hyung.

Funny how he used to call him Frankenstein, and refused to call him by his real name.

All because he had been in love with his Jin but didn't know it, and had taken it out unnecessarily on Namjoon-hyung because he thought the other man was trying to steal Jin away.

He wondered if things would have been different had he embraced his feelings and confessed to Jin at the time.

He wondered if they would have gotten together earlier than they did.

He dismissed the thought almost immediately because now that he was older, he recognised that what he went through was necessary for him to get to this point in his life.

The growing pains was crucial to his mental and emotional development.

If it wasn't for the heartbreak, and the experiences that Jin insisted he had, he would've never known how much he truly loved Jin.

How much Jin meant to him.

His Jin.

His lover.

His husband.

His world.

He was Jin's everything.

And Jin was his.


From the Author: That's it! This is the absolute last chapter of Growing Pains.

It has been quite a learning experience for me in writing this book. I made mistakes along the way, and when I made the decision to close my original account to heal old wounds and start fresh, I lost many readers and followers.

But I am happy and humbled to be reunited with some of my original readers and followers from when this book was formerly known as Best Friends. I guess you could say that writing Growing Pains was my own growing pains in the world of writing.

I hope you have enjoyed this story, and I thank each and every one of you for walking alongside Jin and Jungkook until the very end. You have all shown such wonderful kindness and lovely words of support. It is very much appreciated.

And now I shall exit stage left and let the curtain fall. I hope to see you again in my other books (both current and upcoming).

Take care! Peace and love to all! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

24 June 2021

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