Kyoko when you flinch during an argument

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A/N: Thanks to SHSL_Dumbass_ for watching me write this.

- You were both fighting right now, for what seemed to be too often these times around...

- This time it was about her overworking herself for the dozen time this week

- She had taken a case that was meant to be done by multiple people, but like the stubborn person she is, she wanted to do it on her own

- Obviously, that left her with a heavy work charge leading to countless nights without sleep.

- Now even if you did know she worked better in the evening, you started to miss her presence when going to bed since she was always locked away in her office with piles of mugs on her desk. 

- Though you knew better than to ask her to stop working when she left her office for the first time today, you knew you had to do something about it.

- As soon as mention the fact she looked like she had been run over by a car multiple times, she obviously didn't take it well and shut herself completely from any discussion.

- Though, you knew it was simply because she was aware you were right.

- "Kyoko, you can't always work like that, I know you love your job, but it's not worth killing yourself for it..."

-  That apparently touched a nerve... because she looked at you... and it was deadly. 

- She went on and explained how the heritage of her family was just that, search for the truth even if it meant sacrificing her life, though... you did understand it wasn't in that sense...

- "Kyoko... I'm sure it doesn't mean to overwork yourself... I think it-

-"What do you know about my family!? They don't even want me!" 

- She walked over to you, throwing her arms in a way, accentuating her point, though this gesture made you flinch and cover your face with your arms, trembling from the sudden memories rushing in your brain.

- Said memories were from a past relationship, an abusive relationship. Since then you had developed a fear that it would happen again... even though you knew Kyoko wouldn't do this... it seemed your body and brain reacted on their own.

- She stopped in her track when she saw you flinch and trembling.

-" I wasn't going to hurt you..." you could hear the pain in her voice as she said that.

- "I-I know... I-I don't know why I did that..." 

- Silence overcame the two of you, she never knew you had been in a past relationship, was it because you didn't trust her enough to tell her?

- "You never said anything..."

- "I- I couldn't... I didn't want to relive everything..."

- As tears invaded your vision, you covered your face wiping the tears as fast they were running down your cheeks.

- Kyoko stood there, uncertain of what she could do...

- "I'm sorry, I'll make sure not to overwork myself..."

- You raised your head, "Thank you... it's... painful seeing you like that..." 

- "Is there any way I can... make it up to you?"

- "There is..."

- She rolled her eyes knowing what was coming, "Let me guess, I take the day off tomorrow and we cuddle on the couch watching movies and eating snacks all day?"

- "Aww, you know me too well Kiri!" 

- You opened your arm so she could hug you, and she did, though tighter than usual.

- "Kiri, are you okay?"

- "What was the name of the person that hurt you?"

- "Uh!? Why do you want to know....?"

- "So I make sure they pay for hurting you."

- You laughed, "My hero."

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