Distracting waves (Requested)

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Request made on Ao3 by TheGreatWave74 (They requested for the reader to be female)

Finally, it was the end of the year, you didn't know how you managed to survive, but you did. A couple of your friends were already talking about throwing a pool party, you smiled at the idea and couldn't wait to go. The rumour quickly spread and everyone was now aware of it, it seemed the students of the three classes wanted to attend, luckily Nagito was more than happy to do it at his house, after all "if it brings hope" he would be on board.

Although for you this party would be one of the only occasions for you to talk to your crush, the lavender haired detective, Kyoko, she was rather busy from working as a detective and doing school all at once and you overheard a conversation between her and Aoi telling her she would be away for the summer because of detective work. You had talked to her quite a lot during the year, she also offered to tutor you in the subject you had more trouble in, unfortunately, you never had the chance to thank her plus you had developed feelings for her.

Two of your closest friends, Makoto and Sayaka, had noticed the way you looked at her, they teased you about it a lot, but each time they tried to convince you to ask her out well something would interrupt it. Today this wouldn't happen, you will ask her out and she will say yes, hopefully...

You arrived at the party in your favourite swimsuit, Sayaka was already there and already knew the plan you had prepared, she winked at you and gave you a comforting smile, you took deep breaths and chatted around with a couple of other students. Unfortunately for you, Makoto had forgotten this whole plan was a secret and so a couple of other students, even upper classmates, knew you were going to ask her out, Nagito even gave you some pretty encouraging words, well something along the lines of "I hope your relationship will be full of hope!" unsure of how to answer you simply thanked him, it seemed everyone was positive she would say yes, while you knew it might not be as certain.

You went inside to take a drink and cool down a bit, you didn't want to be a stuttering mess or just unable to confess, after all, this would be your last chance before she would leave for the summer. After calming down you went back outside and sat beside Aoi talking to her, Sakura was listening to the both of you, smiling, she also wished you good luck with a comforting smile. It seemed everyone was rooting for you... great even more pressure...

You were about to ask out Kyoko, not only was she beautiful but she was so smart and when you get to know her, she's just amazing. Asking her out in front of all these people was going to be a little bit more pressure but, in the end, if she was to decline at least you will have people to cheer you up, and it's like your little private cheerleading team which isn't so bad, right?

At this time, most of the students had arrived, there was only a couple of people missing, including Kyoko. You were starting to get nervous; would she even show up... after all, you knew how she felt with her hands, maybe she thought it was too much pressure... Makoto noticed you and approached you, "Y/N, I'm sure she'll be here soon, she probably had to finish something for a case, don't worry."

He was probably right, she's just late because she had something to do, happens to all of us. You closed your eyes resting on a lounge chair. You stayed as such for a while until you heard Sayaka shout, "Hi Kyoko! Glad you decided to come." Your eyes shot wide open... this was it she was here. You turned your head to see and... oh god... she looked so good in her black bikini, plus she had her hair up in a ponytail, which added to the look. Makoto nudged your shoulder with a smirk and whispered, "You're drooling." you whispered a quick shut up to him. Though his reaction took you off guard, you frowned when he did a side-eye motion, you look in the direction he was pointing and you were met with Kyoko, "Hello Y/N."

"H-Hi, Kyoko! I'm happy you came."

She did her usual smile and walked over to Sayaka, you looked over at Makoto with wide eyes while he was laughing, " This is going to be harder than I thought, she's so hot in that swimsuit." you said, your face turning crimson red, "Y/N, I'm sure it's going to be fine, though try to look at her in the eyes when you asked her out." he said jokingly, you gave him a friendly slap across the chest which just amplified the laughing.

After a while of relaxing, well more observing, you walked over to Sayaka, she turned around, "Are you ready Y/N?" You shook your head, she sighed, "Y/N, just ask her out, you'll never know if you don't ask her."

"You're right, but what if she rejects me... and she doesn't want to ever talk to me again... what if I ruin our friendship. What if-" 

"Y/N! None of that is going to happen, we both know Kyoko isn't like that, sure it might be awkward but it's nothing neither of you can move on from. Plus, stop being so pessimistic, she might say yes you know. Now the party is getting good, so you might wanna ask her soon."

You looked down at your feet, "Fine... I'll do it." You took a deep breath and walked over to Kyoko, which was talking to Aoi, when she saw you coming, she quickly ended the conversation and walked away leaving Kyoko confused until she turned around to see you standing there with a nervous expression. "Is everything alright Y/N? You look nervous."

"I'm fine Kyoko, I-I just wanted to ask you something... I know we've known each other because you helped me a lot with school and stuff and I want to thank you for it."

"It was no problem really, but it's hardly a reason to be nervous for something like this, is there something else?"

"Well... y-yes... for a while... I've had feelings for you and... I-I was wondering if... you would be interested in maybe becoming my-

You were interrupted when you felt someone knocking you into the pool. It was so sudden you didn't even have the chance to see who it was. This was so embarrassing... as you were asking her out you were interrupted AGAIN. You didn't even want to come back up, honestly, you'd prefer drowning than go back up there. You stayed at the bottom of the pool eyes closed, that is until you felt someone's arms around you. You couldn't open your eyes, but you thought maybe it was Aoi since she was a great swimmer. As you both reached the surface you took a deep breath, you refused to open your eyes until someone brushed the hair out of your face. As a reflex, you opened your eyes to be met with a purple gaze, which immediately made your cheeks heat up.

Her grip on you was so strong and you could feel her chest pressed up against you. Your heart was beating so fast you thought it would jump out of your chest. Her hair being wet and all just made you fall for her even more, damn she looked hot. You couldn't move or talk just stare at her, feeling everything. She didn't say a word either, actually, she was, but you didn't hear it, you were too busy admiring her features pressed up against you.

You were too caught on in the moment until you felt her cup your cheek, she still had her glove on which was so cold. As you realize in what position you were your eyes widen and your cheeks flush an even darker shade if it was even possible.

"Kyoko, I-

She pressed her gloved thumb against your lips, to your surprise she cracked a genuine smile and a slight blush spread on her cheeks, "Were you trying to ask me out up there?"

You looked down, immediately looking back up, forgetting her chest was pressed up against yours, "I-I was... until I was knocked into the pool..." you chuckled nervously, she cupped your cheek once more, "Well, I would like it a lot if you became my girlfriend."

You cracked a smile and hugged her while the others were cheering for you. You refused to leave her embrace from the embarrassment of falling in the pool, though the attention was hardly on you, but on Tenko that was chasing after Kokichi with a sandal for making you fall in the first place and for ruining such a beautiful moment between girls. At least now you knew she loved you back and all the pressure you had put on your shoulder was now gone.

A/N: I think that might be my favourite one-shot yet.

1530 words

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