You're safe

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The whole class was eating breakfast together, you were all enjoying yourselves and laughing. After you were all done, Kyoko got up, but held herself against a table, "Are you okay Kyoko?" She shook her head and she fell to the ground. You tried shaking her awake, but she was passed out, though her lips were starting to get blue. You looked in panic at someone and Sakura, checked her pulse... she shook her head. And then we heard the announcement, the body discovery announcement... she was dead, someone here poisoned her and killed her. 

The investigation went on, but you didn't leave her side I couldn't. You were crying silently under a table.

Soon enough came the class trial... for once it was silent... Usually, Makoto would lead and... Kyoko would help him, but she was gone now... Makoto tried his best to lead the trial... but Byakuya decided it was time for change and he led the trial... and the conclusion was that you had done it... and he was correct, but you didn't do anything

"So in conclusion, Y/N did it!" Byakuya said while pointing at you. 

"I didn't! I could never, I loved her..." 

"Well, Byakuya is right Y/N is the killer!" Monokuma said while spinning on his chair. 

"BUT I DIDN'T DO IT DAMN IT... NO, I LOVE HER WHY WOULD I DO THIS!?" you yelled at the bear.

"Who cares, it's Punishment Time!!!! 



Next thing you knew, you were looking at her, your face wet from the tears and your whole body trembling, "Y/N, it's just a nightmare you're safe." Kyoko said trying to comfort you. She was sitting right beside you in the bed focused on her computer, but when she noticed your panicked expression, she woke you up. She noticed you were still crying and shaking, frozen by fear. She placed her computer on the nightstand and brought you on her lap. You buried your face in her chest apologizing over and over again. "Y/N, why are you apologizing, it was just a nightmare ." You didn't seem to calm down and then she realized, "It was about the killing game wasn't it?" You noded, "The killing game is over, we're safe and I'm here to keep you safe, I'll never let something like that happen ever again." she said as she kissed the top of your head and rubbed your back. "Would it help if you talk about it?", "May-maybe... we were all hanging out at breakfast and when we were about to leave, you passed out and we realized that you were poisoned and they were accusing me of it.", "Well, I'm here now.", "I-I know, but seeing you dead...", "I know, but we're both safe." she said resting her head against your, "Why don't you try going back to-" she interrupted herself when she noticed you were already asleep in her arms, she chuckled and pulled the covers on top of the both of you. 

500 words

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