The return of mcdonalsssss

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A/N Read "Porpoise takes everyone to Mcdonalsss" if you want this story to make more sense.

One peaceful afternoon...

Porpoise: WASSUP *appears outta no where*

Doctor Thunder: the sky

Porpoise: *yeets doctor Thunder into the abyss*

Porpoise:  we are going to mcdonalsss again guys! Aren't you excited.

Turtle: how could you say that?

Winter: why are we still here? Just to suffer.

Doctor Haida: what's mcdonalsss???

Beantato: you don't want to know.

Porpoise: SILENCE MORTALS. We're going there if you like it or not.

Xinc: :c

Peril: we've already been there before. Why do we have to go there again!??

Turtle: yeah.

Porpoise: cuz they upgraded their menu to not only have croutons but....

Qibli: *plays drumroll*

Winter: *steals the drum*


Nightshade: wow... just wow *slow clap*

umber: isnt that just...croutons?


Everyone else: *blinks*

Porpoise: plus they have a play place. LES GO!!!

Nightshade: *pulls out a limo*

Porpoise: no *snaps*

Everyone teleports to the front of mcdonalssss

Doctor Haida: oooo, it looks nice!

Winter: don't get tricked by appearances.

Everyone: *enters*

Doctor Thunder: * looks around* uhm. Who's the owner of this shop

Morrowseer: *peeks over the counter.*

doctor thunder: oh.

morrowseer: *sinks back down*

Moon: Hi dad!

doctor haida: this place isnt that bad! 

qibli: I got murdered here once.

umber: me too *shudders*

Porpoise: *slams money down on the counter* CROUTONS INSIDE CROUTONS PLEASE

morrowseer: nope.

porpoise: *slices Morrowseer's head off*

everyone: ew.

porpoise: cmon ppl we get everything for free. *grabs big buckets of croutons inside croutons*

qibli: *eats them all*

everyone: ...

qibli: what? I like croutons.


beantato: *tastes* It tastes just like croutons.

Porpoise: To the playplace everyone!

everyone: *goes zoomin*

Winter: gosh, this playplace smells like qibli's farts but 1000x worst.

qibli: I am offended! my farts smell wonderful!

doctor haida: that would be impossible because according to my calculations-

doctor thunder: shut up. im trying to make potion that allows me to take over the entire world.

porpoise: what ya say?

doctor thunder: nothin ;)

winter: wait Since morrowseer isnt here, couldnt we just take over mcdonalssss?

Porpoise: no because he respawns every 5 minuets just like us.

Morrowseer: *summons darkstalker*

Darkstalker: *Explodes out of the floor with 1000000000 rocket launchers*

qibli: *Instantly dies*

Everybody: EEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH *rushes toward the exit*

Porpoise: *Makes a yacht appear* get in.

everyone: *yeets themselves into the boat*

Porpoise: *Tries to start the boat but they are  in the middle of a parking lot and theres no water so the group all dies* :)

The end

But then they respawn 5 minutes later

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