The most important event in the history of Pyrriah

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Porpoise: HEllooooooooo EVeryone!!!!!! WelCome tO aNoTHer EPISode oF TRUTh or DarE

Winter: why are you talking so weirdly

Porpoise: ThAT Is NOt IMporTANT

Porpoise: TodAY is THe MOst ImPORtANt EVent iN tHE hiSTORY oF pYRRiah

Qibli: do I finally get to go to swimming lessons?

Porpoise: NoP

Moon: nop?

Porpoise:  today, moon will be answering a very important question *wink* *wink*

Moon: oh no

Porpoise: ahem, qibli and winter pls step up.

Winter: *smoothly walks up the stage*

Qibli: *gets up from the bean bag chair and immediately falls on the ground* my foot fell asleep

Everyone: *face talons*

Porpoise: anyway.... moon, the readers have been waiting for this very moment 

Moon: gulp

Porpoise: who do you love, winter or Qibli 

Moon: I love both of them!

Porpoise: no I mean as like a boy friend

Moon: who do you like as a boy friend?

Porpoise: ... NOBODY. Cut to the chase moon, who do you like as a boy friend

Moon: uhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm (repeat this sentence 100000000000 times)

Moon: winter I guess. I mean I got to give him a chance since i already chose qibli in the canon series. *shrug*

qibli: *dies of sadness*

winter: *dies of happiness*


porpoise: ;-;

Porpoise: welp that's all for today.... GOTTA PREPARE WINTER'S FUNERAL 

A/N this was not any kind of truth or dare. Just thought it woul$ be funny to add this.

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