(Extra)A new character!

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The JW is teleported to porpoise's personal White House

Winter: what the- where are we!? I thought we were supposed to be in the underworld

Porpoise: yes, but the scavenger author wanted to add a new character to the story. So we are going to have to pause our adventure for a while. Anyway... WELCOME BEANTATO!!

Beantato: *appears outta no where* Hello! Is this the JW? I was told to come here. AND I BOUGHT COOKIES!!!

Kinkajou: COOKIESSSS!!! *eats all of beantato's cookies*

Winter: what are you supposed to be? You look like a mosquito combined with a tree

Beantato: I am a leafsilk.LEAFSILKS  THE BEST TRIBE EVA

Umber: you mean a leafsilkwing

Beantato: no, just leafsilk


Beantato: mine :D

Peril: ...

Moon: I have went through all of the history book, and none of them said anything about a leafsilk tribe

Beantato: well out continent is pretty far away from yours so you probably never heard of us. I come from a continent called pytala, and we can spin vines outta our wrists. And we also live with the leafhives, but ignore those guys cuz their jerks.

Moon: *getting out her note pad and jotting things down* ok... And have you heard of the Pantala tribes?

Beantato: yes. Well leafsilks are basically LeafWings + SilkWings. And *cough*leafhives *cough* are HiveWings+ LeafWings.

*beep* *beep*

Porpoise: oop, our time is up! Time to return to the underworld 


Thank youCharaIsGood for submitting your OC

Beantato is also a doctor and lovvvvvvves cookies. Leafsilks also go through metamorphosis just like SilkWings! Leafhives can control bees, wasps, and yellowjackets. These are just some facts about the leafsilks/hives. Thank you guys and make sure to submit your truths, dares , and OCs. Cya

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