"I smell alcohol in your breath."

He chuckled and shook his head.

"It's just two glasses of wine."

I nodded and gripped his hands, trying to pry them from my waist. In response, he rested his head on the crook of my neck. We stayed like this for a couple of seconds until I tried to squirm from his grasp.

"Mr. Armstrong, let me go."

"You're in my house." he mumbled, his hot breath tickling my neck and giving me goosebumps, "Anything can happen..."

I gasped and he looked up at me. Narrowing my eyes, I socked him in the balls. He groaned and clutched it. I ran back to the room I came from and locked the door. He began to bang on the door.

"Suzy, I'm sorry! I never meant to say anything like that!"

So he's also under the impression that I'm a slut. My back slid down the door and I hugged my knees to my chest.

"Suzy... I'm really sorry..." he whispered, "I really am. I didn't know what I was saying. Talk to me, please? God my balls hurt..."

I stayed silent and heard him sigh. I wanted to say something, but I couldn't. Maybe what Mr. Romano said was true?

"Mr. Armstrong."


"Do you like me?"

My ears met silence and I sighed. I opened the door and Mr. Armstrong looked at me.

"Want to really know the answer?" he mumbled.

"Yes, please."

"Since the first time I laid eyes on you, I wanted to wrap my arms around you and make you mine. I felt sick that I felt that way in your freshmen and sophomore year, but I began to accept it by junior. Now that Romano is here, it's as if you fancy him but forgot about me. Even though you say you're upset, I can see deep into your eyes that you like him. But me?" he said angrily, "We were friends and just friends. I show off my body to you, tell you about my problems and open up to you so you could trust and eventually like me, but it seems like you have to be a jerk to have your love..."

My heart was beating fast and I felt weirdly uncomfortable. That explains a lot-- almost everything. Why do I feel so... guilty? I ignored his feelings and fell for the wrong person. The strange thing is that I never liked him in a relationship perspective. Mr. Armstrong is hot, handsome and sexy, yet I never fell for him...?

"I'm sorry that I was ignoring you. I'm so sorry, Suzy. Oh God, I've been wanting to confess from sophomore year... but more romantic. Had I known you were working at a strip club from before, I could've made you live with me. We could've lived together, no, we still can. I don't want other men staring at your beautiful body and paying for it." he whispered, starting to sound desperate, "What do you say, Suzy?"

I frowned. I can't believe the words that are coming from his mouth and the words that will roll off the back of my tongue. I can't believe he's actually.. saying these. It's making me feel guilty, so guilty it's killing me.

"Mr. Armstrong." I said, my voice pained, "I... I can't."

"What can I do?!" he cried, "Please, Suzy! I'll get on my knees and beg p-"

"Mr. Armstrong I can't, it-"

"Suzy I love you so mu-"

"Illegal, I just can't!" 

He paused and looked down.

"You're 30, I'm 17." I whispered.

"Ignore age, you'll be eighteen in April, we can work it out."

How to get an A [TeacherxStudent] .:COMPLETE:.Where stories live. Discover now