"You wanna be the god mom of my child?" Angel asked.

"You're really adopting !?!" I was happy for Angel , him and Fabian have been thinking about adopting for a long time.

"Yupp, we already went up to the Adopting Agency and everything. Her name is Heaven and she's 10 months old." He was smiling

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?!" I hugged him.

"I wanted to tell you in person!..I can't wait to have my Babygirl!" Angel was really happy.

"I am so happy for you Angel! I can't wait to see my god baby!"

"Do you think Odell would wanna be her God Dad?" He asked

"I'm sure he would," I smiled

"Good , Fabian don't even fuck with nobody these days so he said I could pick the god parents .."

Angel was so happy, they've been wanting a baby for a long time now. He handed me his phone showing me a picture of the baby she was adorable (PICTURE IN THE MEDIA THING).

"She's adorable !" I squealed.

"Who's adorable ?" Odell asked walking through the front door.

"You're God Daughter!" I yelled.

"When did I get a god child?" He asked taking his jacket off.

"Angel and Fabian are going to adopt and they want us to be her god parents." I showed Odell the picture.

"That's wassup ..Awee she is adorable ! When do you get to take her home?" Odell asked.

"Hopefully as soon as we get back to Louisiana." Angel said

"Well I can't wait to meet my god daughter ." Odell said .

"Thanks O'," Angel said

"no problem De'angelo."

Me and Angel were sitting in the living room watching a movie, when he asked me question that made my eyebrow raise...

"When you and Odell gon have a baby?" Angel asked

"I don't know." I shrugged.

"What you mean you don't know, y'all ain't talked about it?."

"He's asked me what I think about kids but we've never actually had a serious conversation over it." I said.

He shook his head."I bet you'll be pregnant by December .." Angel smirked.

"No I won't ! It'll be awhile before we have kids."

"Mmhh the way you been describing his actions lately make me thing he'll have that ass pregnant by next week"

I rolled my eyes and shook my head. I'll have Odell's baby when the time is right, but right now I'm just not ready ..he's going into his second year of professional football and I wanna finish nursing school first. Angel stayed around for a few mores hours until he had to go, I had a great time with my bestfriend and I couldn't wait to finally meet my god daughter!. I went upstairs to our bedroom and Odell was knocked out on the bed with his body spread out like he was a damn starfish !. I laughed and shook my head, grabbed my headphones and walked back out the room. I went downstairs to the kitchen and started cooking dinner, Odell's favorite food was Chicken Casserole so I decided to cook that for dinner. As I was cooking I heard Odell walk into the kitchen, he placed his hands on my waist and kissed my cheek.

"I heard you and Angel talking earlier." He said.

"Oh about kids? Yeah he was just curious."

Odell rested his chin on my shoulder and sighed.

Love Don't Change..Odell Beckham JrWhere stories live. Discover now