"Take my trophy!" Flash tired to reach out causing the elevator to shake again. As he is finally pulled up, the elevator begins to drop rapidly. Lucas grabbed Liz and held her to his chest and pushed them to the wall of the elevator.

Everyone screamed and were jostled around as the elevator suddenly stopped. It was at this moment that Lucas made a vow to never enter a elevator again. They began to plummet to their deaths once again before a web was shot through the hole of the ceiling.

Spider-Man appears and disguises his voice so that his teacher and crush wouldn't notice him. "Hey, how you doing? Don't worry, I got you." If Lucas wasn't trying to focus his breathing, he'd laugh at how ridiculous Peter sounded.

"Yes!" Ned exclaimed in relief making the elevator shake again.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, big guy, quit moving around." Peter said panicked.

"Sorry. So sorry."

With a web attached to the ceiling, Peter began to pull the elevator up the shaft. Once they reached a floor, the Parker rangers began to help everyone out. Mr. Arrington was first so that he could help the students. "Let's go!" The ranger exclaimed.

"Liz, you're next. Come on." Lucas pushed her toward the waiting hands but she side stepped him. "Lucas, you're basically hyperventilating. You should get out before you have a panic attack." Lucas didn't have time to argue before hands were grabbing at him. He sat on the ground and put a hand to his chest as Ned, who went before him, placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Come on, Liz." Ned called out as the metal under Peter's feet began to bend. "Go, go, go! Everybody out!" Peter ordered as he realized it wasn't going to hold.

Liz reached out for Mr. Harrington's hand. "Are you sure it's safe?" Before she could grab his hand, the elevator ceiling snapped and the elevator began to fall. "Liz!" The decathlon teacher exclaimed.

Luckily, Peter webbed her hand and caught her. He pulled her up and helped her safely onto the floor with everyone else. Mr. Harrington helped her up while making everyone give her some space.

"Is everyone okay?" Peter asked. Liz nodded. They stared at each other before the web snapped and Peter went plummeting down the shaft. Everyone looked down and Mr. Harrington thanked Spider-Man.

"Are you really friends with Peter Parker?"

After going back to the hotel and packing their things, the decathlon team headed back to New York. Mr. Harrington called parents to inform them of what happened. When they got out of the monument, Lila rushed to Lucas and Ned and hugged them tight. She was so glad they weren't hurt.

"Are you guys okay?" She asked for the millionth time since they reached the hotel. Lucas gave her a small smile. "We're fine, Sweets. I just want to pack and call my dad." Lila nodded and kissed his cheek.

Lucas blushed before making his way to his hotel room that he shared with Charles. Ned was about to leave too, but Peter walked up to them. "Hey, are-are you guys okay? I saw what happened on the news."

Lila stared at him with a almost hurt expression. "Yeah. It was a good thing Spider-Man was there to save the day, huh?" Peter's eyes widened at his sister's look. She knew.

"Yeah!" Ned intervened, "We'd be dead if it weren't for him." He glanced between Peter and Lila, noticing the tension. "Um, I'm gonna go pack." With that, he quickly left the siblings alone.

There was a moment of silence before Lila shook her head. "Why didn't you tell me?" She asked with a hurt expression on her face. Peter shook his head. "I didn't want you to get hurt again because of me. Being Spider-Man is dangerous and I can't lose any more family."

Lila's brows furrowed. "What do you mean again?" Peter squeezed his eyes closed before staring up at the ceiling. "The-the guy who killed Ben... um, I could've stopped him. I should've stopped him. But I didn't and you got hurt and Ben died."

Lila faltered and she blinked. "What?"

"I had just found out about my powers. I saw him earlier that week and I could've stopped him but I thought I could put it off for another night. I'm sorry, Lila." Peter stared at her with the most heart breaking expression she'd ever seen her brother wear. "I'm the reason he's gone and you and May are grieving and you're a monoplegic and-"

He was cut off by Lila's arms wrappings round his waist. "There was nothing you could've done. Things happen for a reason, Pete. There's nothing to be sorry for, but I forgive you." Peter hugged her back and the two stayed that way for what felt like hours but was actually minutes.

Lila eventually backed away and smiled at him. "My brother's a superhero." Peter blushed and looked away. Lila laughed at his bashfulness. "Just promise me you'll tell me everything from now on."

"I promise."

Lila nodded and the Parker twins made their way to their hotel rooms to call Aunt May. As they walked Lila looked at her brother with a proud smile on her face. She was glad he was helping the city by stopping criminals and whatnot.

"You know, May and I thought you were on drugs."

Peter burst into laughter.

It was night when they reached the school parking lot. Parents and guardians were standing outside waiting for their children to get off the bus. As Lila walked off, she heard May's voice call her and Peter's name. "Peter? Lila?"

The older woman ran to them and squeezed them in a tight hug. "Are you two okay? Are you hurt?" Peter shook his head while Lila just squeezed May tighter.

Lucas smiled at the little family hugging before scanning the parking lot for his dad. When Lucas called him earlier, it went straight to voicemail, meaning Tony was busy. He was a little annoyed that his father couldn't pick up his phone after his son almost died.

He saw Liz embrace her mother before she turned to him. She said something to her mom before walking up to him. "I just wanted to say thank you for making sure I was okay in the elevator. I probably would've freaked out more than I did if you hadn't." She let out a small laugh before looking at her shoes.

Lucas smiled at her. "It was no problem. And thank you for making me go first. I definitely would've had an attack if that elevator shook one more time." The two laughed before Liz gave him a hug which he returned. "See you at school." She smiled before walking back to her mom.

Lucas waved at her before hearing his name called. He turned to the left and there was his father standing in front of his black Lamborghini. Lucas made his way to his father and Tony pulled him into a bone crushing hug.

When Tony had gotten a call from the school, the last thing he was expecting to hear was that his son nearly died at the Washington Monument. Being out of the country, Tony left the meeting he was in abruptly and flew back to New York as fast as he could.

Lucas buried his face into Tony's shoulder and let out a shuddering sigh. "Just letting you know, I'm never getting on a elevator again." Tony snorted at his son but nodded his head. "Of course."

How'd you guys like this chapter? Not a lot of Lila and Lucas but now Lila knows!!!

Comment what you think and don't forget to vote! Thank you for reading!

Also I put out a stiles fanfic called Sunflower. Go ahead and check it out. First chapter is up!

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