Chapter 9

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   It's been two months since the Avengers fell apart. Tony let Peter keep the suit and agreed that if need be, he would call Peter in for missions. That clearly didn't happen.

Peter often texted Happy if there was something Tony needed him to do but the security guard stopped answering after a while. He didn't know why Tony made him the messenger. The kid was annoying. Lucas told Peter to back off with the texts. Tony would let him know if he needed him eventually.

Tony's guilt got the better of him and he often took business trips all over the world instead of taking care of his son. Lucas wasn't mad at his dad, but there was a little resentment. He thought that since he apologized, Tony would try to be better. Lucas figured he shouldn't have gotten his hopes up.

The younger Stark took his mind off of it by having a great summer with his friends. They went to the movies, had picnics in the park (Gwen said she would spontaneously combust if they didn't do it at least once), and just hung out. He and Lila had gotten closer and Gwen, Ned, Harry, Michelle, who sometimes sat at their lunch table, and Peter all made a bet to see who would crack first and ask the other out. Gwen and Peter had 10 each on Lila and Ned, Harry, and Michelle had 10 each on Lucas.

Now, school had started and Sophomore year was off to a good start. Lila was currently on the train with her brother on the way to school. Peter was listening to music and texting Happy. He still hadn't gotten an answer from Mr. Stark yet.

Lila had been getting better with walking without a crutch and barely used it anymore. On the occasion that her leg hurt, she did, but today she had one less thing to worry about. She was still suspicious of Peter and was dying to figure out what he was hiding. It seemed to have to do something with the Stark Internship.

She'd understand if he had to be confidential about projects that he saw but he told her basically nothing about it. May was oblivious to his behavior. She brushed it off as Peter going through the regular teenage hormonal phase, but Lila didn't buy it.

As they reached their stop, Peter offered to carry Lila's book bag and together, they walked to the school which was next to the train station. They passed the football field, where students were playing all kinds of sports. Lila saw Lucas and Harry kicking a soccer ball back and forth with each other. They were on the team together, Harry being goalie and Lucas defender.

After walking up a set of stairs, Lila was pulled out her train of thought when Peter quickly picked her up by her waist and moved her to the side to avoid being hit by Flash Thompson driving a convertible. "What's up, Penis Parker?" The boy laughs cockily.

That stupid nickname came to be in 8th grade and it made Lila blood boil. Flash had always picked on Peter and he never did anything about it. Peter was too nice for his own good sometimes.

As Peter sighed and the students loitering in front of the school in trance laughed, Flash turned to Lila. "Hey, Gorgeous." His flirtatious smile made her want to gag. "Go away, Eugene." She snapped as she rolled her eyes. With that, the Parker twins walked inside the school building. They split as Peter goes to his locker and Lila finds Gwen at her own locker.

The blonde turns as Lila announces herself and smiles at her friends outfit. "You look so pretty. I need to a dress like that one day." Lila looked down at her black and white plaid pinafore dress and her white long sleeve under it and smiled. She decided that she wanted to look pretty today and not wear sweats and a hoodie. "Thanks! I like your pants."

Gwen's black cargo pants looked stylish with her burgundy long sleeved crop top. "Thank you!" She grinned and hooked her arm with Lila's. The two made their way to where Peter and Ned were standing. "Is he gawking at Liz again?" Gwen asked as the girls saw the awestruck look on Peter's face.

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