Chapter 5

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Once school was let out, Lucas called Happy and asked him if he could drive him and his friends to Peter's house. Happy reluctantly agreed but deeply regretted it after having to listen to the rowdy teenagers argue over whether barbecue sauce on pizza is good or not.

"I'm telling you! It's amazing! I'll even order us some when we get to the apartment." Harry pleaded as he tried to convince Peter, Lucas, Gwen, and Ned. Lila had agreed with him because it was true. Barbecue sauce on pizza was heavenly. The other four were still skeptical, though.

"It doesn't sound good. It sounds disgusting." Gwen wrinkled her nose. Lila rolled her eyes. "Just try it! I promise it's good." The group still shook their heads. Harry sucked his teeth and turned to Lila, who sat on the other side of Lucas, closer to the car door.

"It's okay, Li. We're the only cultured ones here, it seems." Everyone rolled their eyes at him and Happy sighed heavily. He should have said no.

Soon, they pulled up in front of Peter and Lila's apartment complex and everyone piled out of the car. After he helped Lila and grabbed her bag for her, Lucas thanked Happy and the man swiftly pulled off the curb and left.

After they got settled in, Harry ordered the pizza, Ned and Peter ransacked the pantry for snacks, Lila got the blankets out and started making pallets on the floor, along with a bean bag for whoever wanted it, and Gwen and Lucas argued over what movie they were going to watch.

"We are not watching Titanic, Gwen. It's too sad. We need an action movie, which is why I suggested Inception."

Gwen rolled her eyes. "Nobody wants to watch Inception for the millionth time, Luke." As if they hadn't watched Titanic that many times before, Lila thought.

Before Lucas could make a similar argument, Harry's voice rang out from the kitchen. "Hey! Either you find something to watch, or I choose!" He threatened, "And it will be one of those Barbie movies!"

Lila wasn't opposed to watching Princess and The Pauper, but she knew no one else would want to. She decided to help the two out since they continued to argue. "How about we watch The Dark Knight Rises? You can't go wrong with a Batman movie."

Gwen tilted her head as she considered the suggestion. Lucas thought about it as well before nodding. "That'll work. Gwen?" He turned to her waited for her reply. Finally, she begrudgingly let out a "Fine. But only for Cillian Murphy."

Lila shook her head at Gwen's reasoning. Gwen had a huge crush on Cillian Murphy, who played Scarecrow in the movie. He was also in Inception, so Lila was confused on why she wouldn't want to watch it.

Lucas nodded his head and searched the tv stand for the DVD. As he did so, Peter, Ned, and Harry came back with armfuls of snacks. They laid them out on the coffee table. There was Sour Patch Kids, Double Stuf Oreos, and family size bags of Lay's chips.

Everyone found their seats and Lucas pressed play on the DVD player. He sat next to Lila (obviously), who sat on the left side of the couch near the armrest, with her left leg propped up on the coffee table in front of them. She was speeding her favorite blue blanket out so that she could share with him.

Gwen sat on Lucas' other side, already curled up in a blanket and picking all the blue Sour Patch Kids out of the bag. Harry sat in the floor next to Lila's leg and Peter laid in front of the coffee table, closest to the tv. Ned called dibs on the beam bag.

Twenty minutes into the movie, the doorbell rang letting everyone know that the pizza had arrived. As Harry got up to pay, Lucas and Peter went to grab plates and cups. As Peter grabbed the plates from the cabinet, Lucas figured this was the perfect time to ask him about Spider-Man.

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