Chapter 4

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The next day, Happy drove Lucas back to Queens for school. While he didn't want to leave his dad, he had finals coming up and couldn't afford to miss any more days. As he was getting out of the car, he noticed Harry standing near the school entrance looking quite disheveled.

His normally brushed hair was sticking up all over the place, as if he had just woken up. His clothes were wrinkled and he was trying to straighten them out.

"Hey man. You okay?" Lucas asked as he approached his friend. The Osborn boy ran a hair through this hair and gave Lucas a smile that he could immediately tell was fake. "Yeah. I didn't sleep well last night. That's all." Lucas knew he was lying and suspected that Harry's appearance had something to do with his father.

Harry and Norman Osborn never got along. Norman cared about his work more than his son and whatever Harry did seemed to never be enough. That often resulted in screaming matches and Harry coming to Lucas' house to spend the night.

Lucas gave Harry a comforting smile and patted his shoulder. "Come on. First period is about to start." And with that, the two boys walked inside.

Lucas and Harry shared their first period with Gwen, Peter, and Lila. Ned had English instead of Geography. The Stark's face immediately lit up as soon as he saw Lila. The blue eyed girl was currently talking to Gwen, who sat in the seat behind her. Gwen said something that made her laugh and Lucas was mesmerized by the sound that left her mouth. Harry nudged his friend with a smirk on his face.

"Could you be any more whipped?"

Lucas broke out of his reverie and scowled at his friend. "Shut up, Harry." The Osborn boy just laughed and took his seat to the left of Gwen. "Good morning, girls. Lila, where's your brother? I haven't seen him yet."

Lila frowned at her brother's absence. He left early because he said he needed to return a book to the library before he got fined, but he still should've made it to the school before her. The library was only a couple of blocks away from Midtown High. "I don't know. He should've been here. Maybe he's in the bathroom or something?"

As Lila spoke, Gwen gave Harry a once over. He rarely came to school looking unkept and she couldn't help but worry. She looked to Lucas for an explanation but he just shrugged his shoulders. She's ask Harry later.

"Is it me or has he been acting weird lately?" Harry was wondering if Peter just didn't want to hang out with them anymore. He had been either showing up late to their hang outs and coming up with some lame excuse or just not coming at all.

Gwen and Lucas nodded their heads. "I noticed too," Gwen said as she twirled her pencil in her hand, "What's going on with him?" The trio turned to Lila, hoping she had an answer. She didn't. Peter hadn't been talking to her like he used to.

"I-I don't know. He doesn't talk to me like he used to. I'm worried about him." Lucas saw the worry and stress in her eyes, so he grabbed her hand and rubbed the top of it with his thumb, trying to provide comfort. "Hey. I'm sure he's okay. And he'll open up to you soon. He can't ignore you forever. He's your brother."

Lila stared into Lucas' honey eyes and immediately felt better. She didn't know how he always managed to do that. Lucas stared back at her with what could only be described as love. He could get lost in her blue eyes forever.

Gwen and Harry noticed their staring contest and decided to take things into their own hands. They were going to get Lucas and Lila together one way or another.

The teacher, Ms. Robertson, cleared her throat and broke the two up. "Mr. Stark, Ms. Parker. Now that you've stared lovingly into each other's eyes, please pay attention." The two blushed and faced the front of the class. Everyone around them laughed quietly.

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