chapter 20

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The nine girls rushed to the emergency room all wearing face mask to at least hide their identity since it's a public place and they don't want to drawn attention for their sister. Luckily the emergency room is not that crowded today. Being all worried they looked around the emergency and just asked the nurse.

"Is Im Y/n here? She's a student." - Jihyo calmly asked.

"Oh, maybe that's her, the patient from that far corner." The nurse pointed at the far corner where you can see Yeji and the others behind the closed curtains.

They all ran to where the nurse pointed forgetting to thank her. They opened the curtain seeing a bruised and weak Y/n. Because of what just happened, Yeji and the squad was taken aback and shook at the amount of people who came so worried.

The girls felt their heart breaking once they saw the state of their youngest sister, tears started forming in each of their eyes because of amount of worriedness they have.

Chaeyoung who's still in her right mind looked at her sister's friends.

"Um, hi. Are you Y/n's friend?" - Chaeyoung asked them.

"Uh y-yeah, we are. Are you one of her sisters?" Yeji spoke.

"I am, we are. What happened to her?" She calmly asked.

"We don't know we just saw her unconscious on the ground with bruises, so we immediately brought her here." Lia.

"Thank you for that. You can go now, and rest." Chaeyoung bowed a little.

On the other side, Nayeon was silent tears fell down her cheeks blaming herself inside her head and repeatedly apologizing because she broke her promise to her mother.

"How is she? Her heart rate? What's her condition? She has a history of heart disease." Jihyo thew a lot of question to the doctor inside who just finished cleaning up and sewing Y/n's bruised forehead.

"Her heart rate is not on its normal beating. For now she's not in a good condition, and she lost a lot of blood from her cut, we need blood donor. We still need to perform CT scan to make sure that her brain isn't damaged." The doctor stated. Jihyo heaved to think straight.

"Can we transfer her to the private hostpital that has all her records?" - Jeongyeon.

"Yeah of course, that'll be better. Just ask for an ambulance to take her there. And ask the hospital to perform the CT scan. Excuse me but I'll be going now." - doctor

All nine of them circled Y/n's bed. Looking at her unconscious state. They all wanted to cry but they seem not to.

"Nayeon, stop crying, you look ugly." Jeongyeon said when she notice that the girl is now crying.

"We need to think straight for now, reserve the drama later.". Momo said.

"Thanks Mo, the most useful sentence you said this week." - Jeongyeon tried lightening up the mood.

"Nayeon, Jeongyeon, come with me at the company and ask them to reschedule our comeback. Sana, Momo, and Mina fix the transfer of Y/n to the hospital. DaChaeTzu, stay here with Y/n." Jihyo instructed. She always act like the oldest because she think more maturely than Nayeon, but that doesn't mean that Nayeon is not a good sister. In fact she's the reason why they are all still alive.

"Do you think the company will allow to reschedule it?" Dahyun doubted.

"Of course, or else I quit. And by that, it means we all quit." Nayeon answered finally calming herself and thought straight. It's true if one of them quit, they all will. And if they do, JYPE is just a piece of shit. And they all do what Nayeon asked them.

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