chapter 14

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Third Person's POV

As soon as they arrived home, their youngest sister went straight to her room leaving the Nine older girls just watching her enter her room with a sad face.

"Girls, dinner is ready, you should eat before it gets cold." Mrs. Ahn spoke telling them to eat. They all nodded and respond yes before going to the dining area.

"So, what should we do?" Jeongyeon suddenly asked while chewing her food.

"I don't know," Nayeon responded.

All of them either looked up to the ceiling or stared at their food while thinking.

"Wait," Momo said getting everyone attention with a look saying 'what?' "Why is she mad again?" she dumbly ask without idea.

"I think we have to see a doctor for Momo unnie" Tzuyu said.

"Just tell me, I forgot because of this delicious foods." And she started munching again, with everybody groaning saying "Ugh food."

"It's because we didn't told her that we're going to perform at their event, and maybe because she has to know it from her Principal." Jihyo answered.

"I told you she manage it, she's the school president so you can't surprise her with that." Tzuyu retorted.

"Yeah we forgot she is." Dahyun said.

"But at least the entertainment agreed after knowing that Y/n study there." Chaeyoung added.

"Now, how are we gonna make up with her?" Jeongyeon brought back the question.

"Is it weekend tomorrow?" Sana asked and the others nodded. "Then why don't we talk to her and sleep with her? Like she did when she made up with Nayeon unnie." she suggested.

"Oh yeah, great idea." Nayeon said agreeing with Sana's idea.

"How about movie marathon? it's been long since we last did that." Momo suggested.

"We should do that then, we know how much Y/n loves watching movies especially horror. I'll ask Jina or Mr. Ahn to bring the TV to her room." Jihyo agreed to all the ideas like eveyone did.

"I told you, we could've bought her her own TV in her room and just put the account there." Nayeon said to Jihyo.

"She'll just watch movie all day long until midnight and make her eyesight even worse than Dahyun's" Jihyo retorted and everyone just agreed.

"Hey Minari, you're so quiet, do you have any suggestions?" said Sana as she noticed that Mina is so quiet.

"Nothing, I'll just play with her and we're good." Mina answered without doing any second thought because that's what she always do. And for another thought, she knows what Y/n is up to.

"Yeah, the 'quiet-gamer buddy" Nayeon said qouting the 'quiet gamer'. Because everytime the two play, they can't be disturb or even just when they knit stuffs.

Once they're done eating, they ask Mr. Ahn to bring the TV to Y/n's room which made her confuse.

"What's the TV doing here?" Y/n asked confusedly.

"I don't know, they just asked me to bring it here." answered Mr. Ahn.

Y/n grabbed her phone to text her only unnie who knows what she's doing.

Pengu Unnie🐧

What's the TV doing here, unnie?

They are going to make up with you by a pajama party. Watching movies you like. So, goodluck with your acting and make sure to tell them that you're only acting.

Oh no. Okay, okaayyyy. You gotta give me an Oscar Award after this.

What? I didn't asked you to do that.

But still you know and you could've told them already but I know you don't wanna spoil the plan and just support me, so you're part of this.

Dude- Aish, whatever. They're on their way, I mean we.


Their texting ended when a knock on Y/n's room was heard. She poke her face trying to stop herself from laughing, which she succeed after some seconds.   The youngest actress went to open the door to meet 8 sorry faces that made her so guilty inside.

Nayeon and Sana who's at the front with open arms to hug Y/n with an apologetic smile. The youngest quickly gave in and hug the two back while the others joined. She saw how her Mina unnie tried to stifle her laugh before joining in the hug.

"What are you guys doing here?" Y/n asked innocently once they all let go of the hug and fully went inside the room.

"We're here to say sorry."  Jeongyeon answered while hugging her sister's arm.

"We're really sorry baby Y/n," Nayeon pouted acting all cute leaning on the latter's shoulder.

"I bought you food!" Momo cheerfully stated with foods on her hand.

While the three are busy doing aegyo infront of their youngest sister, the others are setting up the TV and some things that they will use; such as pillows, blankets, snacks and bed.

"It's fine unnie, we're cool." She assured her unnies still trying to stop herself from laughing hard.

When they are all settled blonde Mina walked infront, blocking the TV while holding her Ipad. The 8 girls looked at her confusedly, while the youngest looked at her unnie with wide eyes.

"I'd love to give this award, to a deserving actress," Mina said like she a host in an award show. The 8 girls are still confuse. "This actress won this award for being so good at fooling her sisters that she's mad, but she's really not and just wanted to fool around."

The confusement grew, eyeing both Mina and Y/n back and forth.

"This award goes to..." Mina said showing her iPad screen showing the oscar award thropy. "IM PABO Y/N" She announced after her long self sound 'dundundun'

"Yah! Im Y/n!!" All the 8 girls yelled at Y/n who is now laughing so hard alonh with Mina.

"So you're not really mad?" Chaeyoung asked with her furrowed brows.

"She's not." Mina answered.

"I'm not." Y/n repeated.

"Wait, hold up! Mina, you know about this?" Jihyo asked with her hands on her waist.

"She does." Y/n answered.

"I do know," Mina repeated. "It's obvious, do you think this big baby will be mad at us just for that reason?"

"Yeah, like one time when I didn't told her that me and Sana are going to eat out, she got mad." Momo stated.

"Of course I will in that case! You ate my favorite food without me then showing me the picture teasing me." The youngest butted in.

"But really, are you just fooling around?" Nayeon asked seriously making the latter nervous.

"Yup," she answered lowering her head as nervousness ate her. But she got all confuse when she heard her sister's laughing. She looked up and look at them confusely.

"See? That's how we also feel when you act mad." Dahyun said still laughing.

"Anyways, let's just watch this horror movie you like." said Jihyo as they all settled down started watching movie

The night went on with screamings and some are already sleeping. The youngest sister was very happy for making her unnie to watch horror movie again especially her Nayeon unnie.


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