Chapter 1:Sleepover

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(COOING) You know, he looks just like his father.


(CHUCKLING) Just like his father.

🎵And when he does his shakin' rocky dance

Man, I haven't got a chance

I call him Lollipop, lollipop Oh, lolli, lolli, lolli

🎵Lollipop, lollipop Lolli, lolli, lolli

Lollipop, lollipop Oh, lolli, lolli, lolli

Lollipop Sweeter than candy on a stick

🎵Huckleberry, cherry or lime

If you had a choice he'd be your pick

But lollipop is mine

🎵Lollipop, lollipop Oh, lolli, lolli, lolli

Lollipop, lollipop Lolli, lolli, lolli

🎵Lollipop, lollipop Oh, lolli, lolli, lolli

Man:Oh, I hate the rain. (SIGHS)

Man:Raining rocks and dogs. Great!

🎵Sweeter than candy on a stick

Huckleberry, cherry or lime If you had a choice he'd be your pick

But lollipop is mine

🎵Lollipop, lollipop Lolli, lolli, lolli

Lollipop, lollipop Oh, lolli, lolli, lolli

🎵Lollipop, lollipop Lolli, lolli, lolli

Holding my lollipop Lollipop
[song ends]
Lem:Space, a universe of mystery. Well, today, the mystery will be unveiled. Thanks to science, we now know the universe is nearly 500 miles long and it contains, you're not going to believe this, over 1,000 stars. (YAWNING)
Skiff:Psst! Lem, come on! Liven it up.
Lem:And still, the only known intelligent life is right here on our planet. (DRAMATIC MUSIC PLAYING) (MUSIC SPEEDING UP) (ALL GASPING) Lem:Huh? No, not today! Not today! Please. Kid#1:What was that?
Eckle:That's our planet after the attack of the Humaniacs. They're gonna eat our brains for dinner! (ALL GASPING) Kid#2:Is that true?
Lem:Everybody, please, that's ridiculous.
Skiff:Totally ridiculous. Brains for dinner? Come on! Brains are for breakfast with cereal and milk. Dinner is organs and eyeballs. (ALL SHRIEKING)
Lem:Okay, everyone, everyone, please, listen up. We're not getting eaten or harvested or having our brains barbecued. The universe isn't scary. It's really amazing. And don't forget to pick up your planetary yo-yos. (YO-YO WARBLING) We've got one for each of you.
Lem:You're looking at the new Junior Assistant Curator! High four!
Lem:Well, it's part-time now and full-time after I graduate. Man:How did you do, Lem?
Lem:Got the job!
Man:Knew you would.
Lem:Hey, I can see my whole life. A house, a car, two kids, they'll grow up and have kids. They'll come home to visit on holidays.
Lem:Got it!
Police chief:Lem, congratulations on that job. I knew you could do it.
Lem:(CHUCKLES) Yeah, thanks.
Eckle/Skiff:Oh, wow!
Skiff:There it is. Just two more days. Wow. Eckle:Humaniacs lll: The Final Battle for Our World.Both:Victory or extinction! (BOTH IMITATING SOUND EFFECTS) (BOTH HUMMING MOVIE THEME)
Lem:If you guys go in costume, I'm pretending we never met.
Skiff:Did you just say what I think you just said? Lem:I'm a planetarium professional now. I don't have time for kids' movies anymore.
Skiff:(GASPS) Kids' movies? I suppose next you'll say aliens don't exist.
Skiff:Ha! Just as I thought. You're not Lem. You're an alien zombie, like in Humaniacs II.
Lem:Skiff, I'm not a zombie.
Skiff:Yeah, that's what you zombies are programmed to say. Tell me something the real Lem would know. Lem:Well, I know Skiff is the only nutcase who thinks the government is hiding all alien evidence in Base 9. And you give candy to your puppy so he'll poop jelly beans .
Skiff:It was just an experiment. With all due respect, I've put in the hours and done a lot of alien research at work.
Lem:(STAMMERING) What are you talking about? You work in a comic book store!
Skiff:The greatest source of scientific knowledge. Mr.Haglug:Skiff, time to unpack the fake alien poop. Skiff:Right away, Mr. Haglug.You will believe me, Lem, when aliens put you on the takeout menu.
[Skiff gives Eckle a comic book]
Mr.Haglug:Skiff! I love fake-alien-poop day.
[cut to Lem and Eckle]
Lem:So, um, Eckle, do you think your sister's home? Eckle:Why?
Lem:I thought maybe... I thought I might tell her I got the job.
Lem:(CHUCKLES) Forget it. You tell her for me. Okay?
Eckle:Okay, but every time you tell me to tell her something, she asks why don't you just tell her yourself?
Eckle:And then my mom says it's because you like her, and then she says that, "Oh, that's so cute," and why don't you just ask her out already, 'cause she's been waiting for you to ask her out ever since we moved next door to you.
Lem:(STAMMERING) She has? The girl of my dreams likes me? This is the best day of my life. Eckle:Yeah, we got to see that kid throw up.
Lem's Dad:Hey, he did it! He got the job!
Lem's Mom:Oh, we're so proud of you.
Eckles Dad:(LAUGHS) I hear it's just one easy step up to Senior Assistant Curator. (DOOR OPENS)

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