Klaus"moving towards Hayley": As many of you know, the girl is carrying my child. Consequently, I trust you will all pay her the appropriate respect.  

Then he gestured back at them: However, I understand that some of you are concerned by this vicious rumor that I intend to use the blood of our child to create hybrids. I assure you I do not. 

Hayley"grinned sarcastically": Father of the year. 

Klaus"mild frustrated by her words": It appears I will have to earn your trust.  

Then Klaus had to finally offer his peace offer, and take the most important step in his trust gaining terms for them and there was no means for that better than to offer them the deaths of the counter creatures they loathe above all. 

Klaus: Very well. We'll eliminate the root of your anxiety. You see, how I can I sire any hybrids if there are no more werewolves alive in the Bayou to turn? 

Hayley"horrified she broke her long silence and gestured her eyes right at him": What? Klaus, no! 

Klaus"saw Hayley's horror but ignored it and gestured back at the others with his evil smirk on his cheeks" : So-- eat, drink, and be merry. And, tomorrow, I suggest you have yourselves a little wolf hunt. Go ahead, have fun. Kill them all! 

Hayley left the table both angry and terrified.


Rebekah and Elijah stood handicapped facing their brother's will to take all the palace furniture and possessions to the castle, his new home and for his siblings they only had nothing to do but to rot as he had told them on their last discussion and since all the house collectibles even all its landscapes and portraits on every inch of a wall in the whole place were his so they had no right to complain or even reveal any offense although it appeared well to do upset Rebekah who stood leaning her arm on one of the walls by the door as men, Klaus had sent to achieve that one job, were going back and forth from every chamber in the house carrying out of the house every piece of furniture and every small thing in it even those which were in her own room. 

REBEKAH"highly upset": I hardly see how that's relevant. Nik's just punishing us. 

Elijah"who was standing by her side": Well, we've hurt him. Deeply, it would appear. 

Rebekah"defensively": We believed the worst about him, the one time in a million when the worst wasn't actually the truth. 

Elijah gave a weak smirk at her trying to make her feel better and then walked out of the door when men still doing what they had been told to do. 

Rebekah"surprised": Where do you think you're going? 

Elijah: To make sure Hayley doesn't suffer for our mistakes. Niklaus is feeling vindictive. We cannot trust that she is safe. 

And went he left her leaving her alone.


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