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Bucky's PoV:

The flight to Bucharest was tedious, not to mention the annoying amount of time it spent hovering over the runway due to lack of space.

He had already spent more than twelve hours on the flight and he couldn't wait to stretch his legs. More than that, he couldn't wait to see his Bella.

It had taken him about a day to pack his things in Wakanda and also pack some of Bella's things. He wasn't sure what he would do if she decided not to accept him again. But he had to try. She deserved to be happy and he would try his level best to make sure that she got her fair share from him.

The building looked the same from outside and Bucky couldn't help the smile that slipped into his form, lifting the corners of his lips. He saw the flower vendor outside the building and saw the bunches of roses in their buckets. He entered the building and went to the apartment that they had both shared.

The door was locked from the inside and he could see the light from the edge. It was barely five in the evening but days were short in Bucharest. He knew his Bella was in there, he could feel it. The indomitable urge to throw himself into her arms started to overpower him and all he wanted was to hold her as tight as he could.

Lifting his hand, he knocked lightly.

Bella's PoV:

Bucharest held more than memories for her. It was like a solace, a shelter. This apartment particularly, was more than just a place. The mundane furniture made her feel all tingly from the inside.

When Bucky made it clear that he didn't want her anymore, she had no reason to stay in Wakanda. She came to Bucharest for a while to gather her thoughts and then she would go back to New York and resume her duties as a secret agent.

She was stirring some comforting soup when knocks on the door startled her.

It was already dark, who would possibly come at this hour?

When she opened the door, two unknown faces greeted her.

Suddenly, one of them pointed a gun at her.

"Give all your money and your credit cards with their PINs without making a sound," he said and for a moment Bella was too stunned to say anything.

"Why?" asked Bella simply.

"Because," the other man said, "we will blow your brains out if you don't."

"Fine," said Bella, sticking her hands into her pockets. "But I real-"

Bella didn't finish the sentence as she bent over and landed a neat kick at the man holding a gun, knocking him over. The gun fell out of his hand and before the partner could pick it up, she jabbed her palms into his chest and pushed hard. The man fell tumbling down the stairs. The man whom Bella had kicked first got up and tried to wrestle her only to be hip thrown backwards and terrified beyond his wits. Bella ran after them down the stairs as they tried to escape with their dear life.


Bucky's PoV:

Bucky waited eagerly for Bella to open the door and when the door finally opened, it revealed a middle-aged man.

"Hey," said the man pleasantly. "What do you want?"

"Umm," Bucky wasn't sure what happened. He took a step back and looked at the apartment number and internally cursed himself as he realised he was one storey below the real apartment. "I am sorry. I was searching fo-"

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