The Hidden Past

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TW: Will contain torture and death.

Bucky's PoV:

His chest felt heavy with pain as he returned to the present.

He had followed James and Oana out to the forest when they had run, oblivious to the horrors that lay beyond; he had remembered the dates from the files that Bella had brought to him after he had been informed about Oana. He watched their tearful goodbyes secretly. Even though he had an idea about what was going to happen, nothing could have prepared him for what followed.

When he watched James crumple to the forest floor and scream for Oana, he wanted to reach out to him. He wanted to tell him that things would get better, that he would find love again. He wanted to tell James that the future was better than this and that he would meet someone whom he would love more than himself. But he couldn't. He just watched his past mourn over the body of a beautiful woman who didn't deserve to die.

After gathering himself for about an hour, he decided to go back again. He thought about what else he might need to see when the thought came to him.

There were four dates branded upon Bella's body by the Hydra: two on both her upper arms and two on her thighs. Ever since Bella had returned, no matter how many times Bucky asked, she would never tell him what those dates meant. Even Michael had refused to say what they meant.

He set the time machine to the earliest date and found himself at the Hydra facility in Tromellin.

Bucky hid behind a pillar, waiting for someone to pass by. He knew the deal with the Hydra and he knew exactly what he needed to do.

As expected, a Hydra soldier passed by Bucky and was soon knocked out by the former Winter Soldier. After wearing his uniform and mask, Bucky stepped out, looking around for Bella. He knew he might just walk in on them torturing her, but he needed to know the secret behind those dates.

"You are needed in chamber 21," barked one soldier at Bucky in Russian and he just nodded.

After entering chamber 21, Bucky couldn't move.

No matter how much he had thought about it, nothing could have prepared him for what he saw.

There in front of him was Bella, clad in a hospital gown. Her arms were tied to chains hanging from two opposite walls and they seemed to be the only thing that kept her up on her feet. Her head hung downwards.

"Soldier," said one guard to Bucky in Russian. "Take this."

He handed Bucky a whip and he just stared at it, shock freezing him to the spot. Like a robot, he moved behind Bella, whip in hand.

"Tell me," said Michael, fisting a bunch of Bella's hair and tilting her head upwards. "Tell me at least one name and this doesn't have to continue anymore."

"Sherlock Holmes," said Bella calmly, her voice hoarse yet determined. Bucky heard the angry grunt from Michael as he released Bella's hair.

"Whip her till she can't stand anymore."

The command rang through Bucky like fire and he stood there, petrified.

"Soldier," yelled one man at Bucky. "Do what he says."

Lifelessly, Bucky lifted the whip, knowing his cover would be blown if he didn't follow orders. He lifted the whip and it landed with a sharp crack on Bella's back.

A pained scream left Bella's lips and Bucky almost lurched forwards to hold her, to tell her it was fine. The light in the chamber was dim but it was enough for Bucky to see the scars on her back. It wasn't as dense as the way Bella had come back but it wasn't very good either.

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