Chapter 10

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----------Allys POV---------


I'm so scared. What happened to Meg? Will my mom be alright? She's the only thing I have left. A sob starts to escape my throat. My horse, who's name is lightning, is running full speed towards the house. When we get there I tie lightning up and take Meg inside.


I put her on the couch as best as I could. I get a wet rag and put it on her forehead. Mom comes inside and helps me with her.


"You alright?" She asks me. "Yeah I'm okay." I answer. I hear the horse that threw Meg, shrieking outside.  I go to look out the window. He is a beautiful grullo mustang.

"He must really like her." I point out.

"Yeah. Meg has a way with horses." Mom said from behind me. She sounds calm, but I know she is frustrated.

------Megs POV--------


Black. That's all I see for a while. Then I see white, which dims to let me Linda and Ally in front of me.

"Linda? Ally?" I say, confused, "Star. Where is Star?" I ask, worried if he ran off. I cannot lose him!

"The horse is fine. He is outside." Abby says. I sigh in relief. I'm so sore. My back aches, my head hurts and my leg seems to be acting up again. I know that I have to leave. I'm putting Linda and Ally in danger by being here. Linda has lied about my whereabouts for so long, and I feel guilty.

"Linda, Thank you for making sure I'm okay, but I have to leave because remember how hard you had to hide me when I stayed with you, and you don't have enough stalls for-" I was cut off.

"Don't worry about it now. You just rest." Linda says. I groan. I want to see Star and I need to make sure Buck and Dream are okay, because Buck is afraid of storms. Dream should be fine, but anything could happen.

"I have to go." I say. Ally looks sad, and Linda seems worried about me.

"Okay." She says. I hug her and hug Ally. Star in in the round pen. I jump on him and we ride off back to Dream and Buck.


Heyyyyyyyyyoooooooo. So what kind of trouble will I get myself into in the next chapter. Lets just say I stupidly agree to do something.



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