Chapter 7: Training Day

Começar do início

What is that suppose to mean? I wonder. I just say a quick "bye" and rush to my room. It's almost 10 o'clock anyways, when training is suppose to start.

I wash, brush my teeth, and get ready to meet the other tributes. This is when I can get two more things off the list that I had made earlier.

2. At the training center, form an alliance with those people.


3. Pick up a few survival skills, as well as one weapon.

Oh well, I bet it won't be too hard. I think about the people I want to form an alliance with. "District 11 girl," I say to myself. I meet Peeta on the way. We walk together, but we don't really talk with each other. We meet Effie at the elevator, and she escorts us to the training center. Which apparently is underground. When we get there, I notice that we are the last ones to get there. Someone pins the number "12" to my back, no doubt the number of our district. I look around at the other tributes and I notice a few. Both from 2, because they're really intimidating. The boy from 3, because he's cuter than he was on screen. I know I shouldn't really be thinking about that, this is the games. I notice both from 11, the boy because he is gigantic, and the girl just because I had always noticed her. For being the same size and age as me. I wonder if she noticed me too.

Soon, all 24 tributes are called to meet around Atala, our training director. She tells us about the different stations, like where you can learn fighting techniques, or survival skills. She then goes on listing all the stations but I'm not really listening. Instead I take the chance too observe all the other tributes. I seem quiet but I'm usually listening, or observing things around me. Like now I can see that the District 4 boy has curly blond hair, or that the District 11 girl is observing the ceiling, or again, the District 3 boy, cute! I'm hoping to get to know him better. Or maybe not. Since one of us has to be dead anyways. That's a sad thought. In a few weeks, all of us are going to be dead. All except one.

As soon as Atala releases us, the career tributes (that's what we call the tributes from Districts 1,2, and sometimes 4, that illegally train for their whole lives) all head for the fighting technique stations. They're all doing things that are extremely scary, and they are accurate too. The District 2 boy, Cato, is cutting off some dummy heads with a long sword. District 1 girl is doing archery, but she misses terribly. I guess she has other talents, she is a career after all. Her boy counterpart is throwing spears at targets and he is super duper good. But the scariest of them all, at least to me, is the District 2 girl. She's a bit mentally unstable which makes her even more dangerous, because she can kill without any feelings. Her weapon of choice, knives. And she never misses. She can throw them from a distance, which makes her even more dangerous than District 2 boy, since you have to be close to someone to attack them with a sword. She's also small so she can probably climb trees. You see why I'm afraid of her.

I look around to see the different training stations. I decide to go with something simple first. The knot station. I see that one person is already there, the District 4 boy with curly blonde hair. I don't really pay much attention to him and start tying knots. Soon I learn how to make a simple snare. I guess that's all for now. I look around and find District 11 girl at the fire station so I decide to go check it out. When I approach her, I already know that she is sensing me and knows that I am coming. She turns around to see me when I'm about a yard away from her. I smile.

"Hi," she says. Her voice is soft and beautiful.

"Hi," I greet as well.

"I'm Rue, from District 11," she says.

"Primrose, District 12. You can call me Prim."

For a few minutes we don't really talk to each other and we just concentrate on the fire, it is the fire making station after all.

The Hunger Games: Prim [REWRITING]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora