"Oh y/n come here darling."he says as he holds you

The bloody bastard he knew the whole time.

"Knew what y/n?"

He lied to us both he's not keeping anyone's safe not you not me not harry no one.I have to get ready i need to be at the astronomy Tower in an hour

"Darling...please let me."

No Severus i have to be the one it's the only way he will trust me more.

You walk out of his chambers and go meet Draco.

"Ah y/n thought you would chicken out."draco says smirking.

Not all of us are scared of failing daddy draco.

He got quiet

You walk to the tower and hear Dumboldore

"Harry get Severus tell him what happened"

You start walking up the stairs and point your wand at him

"Good evening miss y/l/n what can i help you with",he says calmly

You know why i'm here sir...you say as you here a door open

"You brought friends i see?"

Indeed i did

"Y/n i thought we had a deal?",he says as Draco and the other death eater walk in

Don't know what your talking about Albus

Bellatrixs walks up behind you"well down dear",she says

"Y/n please",Albus says to you

"Do it y/n...NOW",bella says to you

"No",you here someone say behind you, you know that voice anywhere

Severus i got this, you tell him

"Severus.....please",albus says to him

As Severus goes to says Avada Kedavra you say it with him...and both your wands set of the curse.

Albus falls off the astronomy tower.

Severus looks at you, you grab his hand and walk away with the other to hagrid hut

as you all are walking you here someone screaming.

"Snape you asshole!You coward! he trusted you for bloody sake!",Harry screams at him

"Expelliarmus",harry screams

Protego you yell.

Harry falls and you and Sev walk away

then you here "Sectumsempra" from harry

Severus hurry's up and blocks the spell and makes potter fall back

Sev starts to walk over to him

Sev don't.

"One moment y/n",he says to you

(next part rights are reserved to jkr)

"You dare use my own spells against me potter, yes i'm the....half-blood prince",He says to him as he grabs your hand and runs.

You all go back to malfoy manor.

•Four months pass•

"Y/n i've really got to go i'm headmaster now i cant be late",Severus says to you

Just one more kiss pleaseeeee

"Fine but only for you darling",he says as he pulls you in for a kiss

Thank you my love, now go don't want to be late so you, you say smirking

"Ok ok, i love you y/n",he says

I love you more

Severus leaves and you do too because you have to be at Malfoy Manor

You stay there helping Cissy and Bella

You've just bin helping them with the plan, and then one day a group of men come and they have Ron Hermoine and some other boy.

"Bring Draco."Bella says to you.

They bring them all inside

"Well Draco is it him or not?",bella says

"I cant tell but what's wrong with his face?",he says

"Yes what is wrong with his face was it you."she says looking at hermoine

You walk downstairs and then here a bunch of screaming

you walk upstairs and Bella looks at you

"Put the boys in the cellar y/n i wanna have a little conversation with this one"

you grab harry and ron and take them downstairs.

"Y/n why why would you do this.",Harry says to you

I'm...I'm sorry this will all be over soon okay.

What are you talking about??",Ron says to you

you walk away back upstairs to hear Hermoine screaming in pain.

Bella! you scream

"Is there a problem y/n!",She screams at you

Um i um...She um didn't steal it!

"And how do you know this y/n?", she says

I mean she didn't physically steal it,i've heard about the sword it come to you when you most need it.

"Your lucky you little mud-blood!",she yells at Hermoine.

"Take her downstairs and bring me the goblin",she tells you

You grab Hermoine and bring her downstairs

"Th-thank you",Hermoine says to you

you don't say anything just put her with harry and ron and grab the goblin

"Y/n you are need my Severus."Cissy says to you.


You leave Malfoy Manor and go to Hogwarts and arrive in headmaster office

"Y/n i need you here with me i don't want you going back to Malfoy Manor."he says to you

Why , why do you look so scared Sev?

"This war is coming. it's coming soon very soon.", he says to you

Snapes secret love(16+)Where stories live. Discover now