the beginning

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It was a normal day I was just chilling while on the phone with my best friend Jasmine who like usual was ranting about how much she loved dang Matt Smith.


Girl he is so hot like I can't

Honestly I don't understand why your obsessed with him like he is way to old for u

Hey a girl can dream can't she but honestly I could see u getting with him just saying

Umm no I don't even know him and he isn't my type and I just broke up with Jack so I am still trying to get over it

Girl u need to get over it he's the one who cheated on u and broke up with u it's not your fault also then what is your type

Well first off is I want a guy who is going to like me for me and not how I look and who is going to be loyal and honest with me and never give up on us when times get rough also I know

Ok well you will find your special guy one day and also if u know why keep bringing it up

Well I just don't know who to trust anymore I mean everyone besides u have betrayed me or used me and I just can't stop thinking about it

Girl that's it were going out and there's nothing u can say about it and you know u can trust me when I say by living in the past you will miss the future

Ok well let's go then and thanks girl I am so lucky to have a friend like u

No problem and same

After me and Jasmine got off the phone I got ready and waited for Jasmine when all of a sudden my door burst open and all I hear is "I'm home bitch" and that's when I ran up and gave her a big hug and then told her I was ready. We headed to her car then After we got into the car we decided to head to the mall, we ended up looking at the different clothing stores and getting pretzels for a snack. Once we finished eating we decided it was late and we both were tired so we headed back to my house and once we got back she decided that she was too tired to drive and so I let her stay the night and after getting ready for bed she headed to the spare room and I headed to my room where I slowly drifted off to sleep..

unexpected loveDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora