Chapter 1- Alexei's a Stupide Garcon

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POV of Elise

"Cinq, Six, Sept, et Huit! Un, Deux, Trois, Quatre!" Monsieur Renaud counts. I start my routine, a Diamidov, to a Petit Volant, then a Three and a Half, and then Margeaux is supposed to catch me. My Diamidov goes great, the Petit Volant is so simple it's boring, and then one flip, two flips, three and half! I reach for Margeaux's hands but they aren't there. Shoot! I look for him but he's not on his bar, he's standing on the platform talking to Dmitri, our Hawk Handler.
"MARGEAUX!! TU ES LE PLUS GROS DODO DU MONDE!!!" I screech, in case you couldn't tell I switch to French when I get angry, I fall towards the practice net, pulling out a cat twist real quick. I bounce up, doing a weird fall-run mixture, but I don't  stop until I get to the bottom of his platform, and wait furiously until he climbs down.
"What the heck were you thinking? If you weren't busy talking to Mr. Stupide
comme ses pieds maybe you could've caught me, do you know how much skill and precision it requires to do this routine!? If a single thing goes wrong the whole act is screwed. There are only 16 days till our reopening, and we haven't performed since Easter! All I ask is that you catch me, but is that too much to ask of an idiot like you? N'importe quoi, I give up on you. I wish to perform solo, I hope you have fun cleaning the Cotton candy machine, because I'm done with you.

"Oh wow, such a big threat! Like I care, we all know I carry the act anyway! You are so uptight you can't even take a break for five seconds. Monsieur Renaud would never agree to let you perform solo. If anything you'd be the one cleaning the Cotton candy machine." He retorts, using his stupid girl look. I respond by using my you're a total failure look, accompanied by a few choice French insults. Monsieur Renaud has walks over as I finish calling him a Casse-couille or, pain in the neck.

"Tais-toi! Shut up little girl, you're growing tiresome." Renaud complains, I open my mouth outraged, but he knows what I'll say, "Oh I'm sorry, do you prefer little pest?" I groan at him, ready to argue, but I remember I need him to let me perform solo, and I shut up.

"N'importe quoi. I have been dropped for the last time because of this incompétent! I want to have my own act." I say turning my back to Margeaux.

"Non. We get better sales when you're a pair. Either you find a better partner or you perform with him. End of discussion." Renaud sighs. I open my mouth to yell at Renaud, but Margeaux takes Renaud's spot with his trademark I'm god's gift to man look.
"I don't want to say I told you so. Oh wait, yes I do! Told you so!" He pouts his lips in fake sympathy, and even that small action makes me want to rip his teeny tiny brain out with my bare hands. I instead whistled Crowena, Dmitri's Hawk, over using his Morse code command for come. I then signal for him to swarm Margeaux, before I kick him in the shins and storm out. As I make my exit, I listen to the sweet sounds of Margeaux screaming, and Dmitri trying to signal Crowena.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2021 ⏰

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