Pride and Innocence

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Steph felt the warmth in her pants and spent a bit of time playing with the moist padding. She squeezed her thighs, pressed it against herself, did some squats, before deciding to sit back down. She was glad that she chose to empty her bladder at that moment as she felt no risk of leaking. 

The washroom door opened and Victoria made her way into her own room to finish getting ready for the night. Steph stayed on the couch enjoying the sun beaming down on her body, slowly losing herself to a catnap. 

"Steph! What do you think?" Victoria's called from her room. 

Steph shot up and went to Victoria's room. Victoria stood in front of the mirror in a short red dress and black leggings. Her hair was loosely curled, sitting on her shoulder. 

"Mmmmm I think I want you for myself!" Steph said admiring her friend. "Can I take you out tonight instead?" She giggled. 

Victoria laughed at the joke. "We can double date?" 

"I wish, but Jason's busy tonight." Steph said disappointingly. "I should pack anyways."

"Awww okay... I'm going to spend the night with Rick, but we can do breakfast before I head out tomorrow?" 

"That sounds good. We're out of food in the fridge, so can we go to the diner?" 

"That sounds perfect." Victoria said "Less work for out butts!" she said swatting Steph's padded bottom. The brief contact was all it took for her to know the state of Steph's undergarments. She gave Steph a telling look, and all the girl could do in response was sheepishly smile and avert her gaze. 

Victoria was not to surprised at the revelation. It was not the first time that this had happened, recalling her decision to use her Goodnite during their exam the week prior. "Hey, that's what they're for right?" She said to ease the embarrassment of her friend. 

"Yeah..." Steph said in response. "I- I'm gonna go." She said excusing herself, still red in the face. 

Steph entered her room, removed her jeans and curled up under the covers of her bed, simmering in her comfort and what felt like embarrassment. As okay as Victoria was with Steph's new interest, Steph couldn't help but feel something tugging at her chest as she slowly drifts to sleep.


She woke up hours later as the sun was setting. Picking up her phone to check the time she noticed a text from Victoria. 

Hey, you were napping when I came by. Hope you're okay. Lmk if you need anything. I'll see you in the morning? Is 8 okay? lmk!

Steph responded to confirm the time. Shifting in her bed she felt the padding was now cold and clammy. Feeling another slight pressure, she pushed to release the content of her bladder yet again. 

As the warmth took over her crotch once again, she curled up harder pulling her body pillow tighter against her body, writhing slightly in pleasure. She let out a sigh of pleasure and texted Jason. 

Let me know when you're on your way back. I'm gonna start packing. 

She got out of bed and began packing the arduous task of packing, deciding which clothes were necessary for the multitude of events coming up over the holidays. Unlike Victoria she was much less concerned with coordination in her choices, and made short work of sorting her clothes. She went to put away the clothes that didn't make the cut before catching a glimpse at the box containing her new diapers. 

"Should I?" She began debating packing a few diapers for her break, but decided it was better not to pack them. She heard a notification on her phone and saw a text from Jason on her lock screen.

Steph's Holliday BreakWhere stories live. Discover now