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In one moment, everything changed.
What happened?
Who is he and how did he get under her skin?
What is his mask hiding?
Will he ever be able to answer these questions?

-Janna Atwood


On Monday morning, I had to leave my apartment, leaving Pretty Boy there.
He spent three days with me and it was something that I never expected. But today is Monday and I have to be at work.
Parents showed up only on Sunday evening. They did not remember my victory. Not. They were just reminded of the family dinner on Wednesday.
Oddly enough, it didn't bother me. By Sunday, I had so many emotions that I didn't want to think about my parents.
He was already waiting for me near the office.
This was not surprising, because from the day we parted, he had always been here.
-Hi, Gianna.
-Alex, what are you doing here?
- I just want to tell you that your mom invited me to your family dinner on Wednesday.

Of course she did it!

For my mother, our separation was a disaster. She was already preparing the wedding, which was in vain.
- Thanks for saying.
I went to the office and plunged into my daily routine.
I understood my parents. It was hard for them because I did not live up to their hopes, but it was my life and it was up to me to decide how to manage it.
I myself chose my profession, although I was not supported. It was my dream, my life. I have always wanted to be a lawyer and protect people. It made me happy. This was what I lived for.
I spent the whole day getting to know a new case. It was not as loud as the past, but it was interesting enough.
After finishing my working day, I packed my things and went home.
Closing the apartment door behind me, I did not hear any unnecessary sounds.
My cat, Marsik, continued to hide. I'm sure it scared him when I came with Callisto. But Mariska's bowl is empty every morning, so you don't have to worry.
I walked around the apartment, but did not notice Callisto. Not that I thought he would stay ...

Damn it! Yes. I thought he would stay.

We had a great three days. Of course, it was mostly sex, a lot of sex, but there were also conversations.
I recognized his last name and he is from Las Vegas. Callisto is in LA on business. He did not say what his business was or what he worked for.
My black cat, which I found on my first day of college, came out of the back room. He was afraid of strangers and always hid, but now he bolted next to me on the sofa and lay down on his knees.
My cat was my mother's nightmare. Pictures of my old age alone and five cats appeared in her head.
That was funny.
Taking my phone, I dialed Kyle.
-Hi baby.
-Hello. What are you doing?
-Nothing. Do you have any suggestions?
-Yes. Come to me. The plan for today is a lot of alcohol.
- I'll be there soon, baby.


Two hours later, we were sitting on my couch. Three bottles of wine and one tequila made themselves felt.
- He just dumped. Is that okay? "I asked plaintively.
-Not. He's a goat like his friend.
- Someone called him constantly. All the time and he constantly left.
-Like a goat. He has either a girlfriend or a wife.
I nodded in agreement and looked at my friend.
-What about his friend?
-The same goat. I left him with his pants down after he compared me to a whore.
Surprise was written on my face.
-That's a moron.
-That's it. It's time for us to cleanse life of idiots and goats.
- It's time. Let's just start tomorrow.
I staggered to my feet and went into the bedroom.
Throwing off all my clothes, I fell into a sweet dream.


Wednesday came too quickly and unexpectedly.
No matter how much I want to go to dinner, I have to. Mom will make a whole scandal if I don't come and remember this for a long time.
After putting on my white dress and adjusting my makeup, I was ready to fight.
As soon as I wanted to open the door, there was a knock on it.
Callisto stood in the doorway.
In a black three-piece suit, which was made to order and sat like a glove.
Naturally, Callisto knew what he looked like. He never hid his superiority. A smirk shone on his face.
- You look gorgeous, Princess. I'm glad you were waiting for me.
I had to slam the door in front of his face so as not to remove that grin with a slap in the face.
"Princess, open the door," Callisto demanded.
-Get out of here.
- Princess, open that fucking door.
I ignored his order. I ignored my heart, which was beating faster as he appeared, and just pressed against the door.
- Janna, open the door or I'll knock it down.
Heck! His voice did not leave room for controversy and I was sure that he was not joking.
-What do you want? -I asked, opening the door.
- What's going on, Gianna?
-Tell me, what's going on? Why did you come here?

And the most important thing is why he left.

I would like to know the answer to both questions, but I only asked one.
- I had business in Las Vegas. I solved them and came back. What's the problem, Princess?
- I don't understand why you came back. Everything that happened between us has already ended.
- Janna, you know it wasn't just a fuck. Stop pretending to be an ice princess.
-What was it then, Callisto? Love at first sight or temporary infatuation?
He stepped closer and slammed the door. His hands fell on my waist and almost all thoughts flew out the window.
- We will not frame all this. We're just fine now.

Just good.

It sounded too good. Too tempting. I was ready to agree to this. Now.
-Who calls you all the time? Wife? Girl? Another fucking friend?
Callisto smiled, lowering his lips to mine. He wanted to remove the issue from consideration, but I was very serious about it.

I had principles. Few, but there were.

I pulled away from his lips and looked into his eyes.
-My cousin. He is my deputy in business and now remains in charge.
It sounded logical.
-What kind of business?
From his point of view, it was clear that I would not receive an answer to this question.
-Let's put it off for later. I understand that the dress is not for me.
-Not. I'm going to dinner with my parents.
An unexpected thought crossed my mind.
I looked at the man in front of me and thought. He could have saved me today.
-Come with me.
-Is it too early to meet your parents, Princess?
-I'm not talking about that. I just have specific parents ...
-What does it mean?
-Never mind. It's just that if you came, you would help me.
Callisto looked at me with interest.
- It's good if I get my kiss.
I held him closer and reminded him of what he had lost for three whole days.

Reality Reversed | English | 18+Where stories live. Discover now