The second part of

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When Callisto returns home, he is beside himself with anger. He solved many questions in three days, but on the last day in New York, the FBI interrogated him. For several hours he answered the officers' stupid questions until they fizzled out and let him go. But now that he doesn't see his princess, he really wants to shoot someone.

He sends people to find her, but when he is about to leave, the girl returns with a bunch of suitcases and this crazy cat.

She rushes to his neck, but stops when she sees his menacing gaze.

Gianna is angry at the accusations that she escaped and tells the whole story. About how they called her, and she took a long time to make a decision. She drove to Scott's apartment and found out Callisto was free and returned to his house. She learned a lot of important things, but he is unhappy, and only continues to frown at the girl.

Seeing the displeasure on his princess's face, Callisto relents and decides to let go of all odds, but it's hard to do when his sister Ermina comes into play.

She wants to help her brother and make the FBI agents look bad, but her methods are unacceptable for a seventeen-year-old girl. Of course, Callisto knows that his sisters are the best, they have goals, and they constantly go to them. And yet the man is against his sister's participation in this matter, and even Gianna's persuasions do not help convince him.

His final decision changes when the FBI comes to ransack the house and interrogate him again.

Using his sister's insidious method, Callisto forces the FBI to close all cases against the family.

The time has come when he is ready to tell everyone about his princess. She tamed his monster but also became addicted to him. They can no longer exist without each other.

Callisto and Gianna go to the annual party, which is expected to be attended by the head of the dynasty.

Everyone looks at him with fear, no one knows how such an evening could end.

Gianna doesn't like the increased attention from all the guests. They consider her to be rubbish, a stranger. Even the fact that he and Callisto will not make her Italian. Everyone looks at her with contempt, but she will never show her discomfort. She is with the king, which means she is the queen.

Callisto is forced to leave her alone, but the girl is not afraid. She will be able to fight back anyone who dares to tell her too much.

Gianna was sure that as soon as Callisto left her, hundreds of piranhas would attack her, and she was right. Several girls approached her with the idiotic opinion that she must be stupid when she voluntarily gave up her free life to live in the mafia. They will never understand her. They loved her. Very few people in this room have ever experienced this feeling. She chased the girls away, laughing at their foolish attempt. But she didn't expect the next conversation.

Some gorgeous brunette (and even Gianna could not deny her beauty) approached her with obvious hatred in her eyes. She hissed curses and said that Callisto belonged to her, and Gianna was another toy. The girl did not show how much these words hurt her. Gianna did not have the opportunity to answer, as Callisto appeared next to her, and an elderly man stood next to the brunette.

He looked condescendingly at Gianna and challenged Callisto.

They talked about some kind of agreement and that the brunette was promised to Callisto, but he threatened the man, answering that he did not owe anyone anything.

Gianna was broken after the party and demanded an explanation. Callisto explained that he was promised a girlfriend for marriage, but he never intended to marry and did not make any promises, and now it is completely stupid to remember this.

His words should have calmed Gianna, but they raised new fears. He had no intention of getting married. She, too, never thought about marriage, but that was before him. Now she is completely confident in her desire to spend her whole life with him.

They had to have many long conversations over a long period of time until they came to an agreement.

They could not live without each other and absorbed each other, leaving no place for anyone. There were only them and only they will remain. Always. Against all. He and she.

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