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September 13, 1986

Soon after mid afternoon

Lindo Wing, London

After nearly eight months of waiting the confirmation came earlier today. 

"Her Royal Highness The Princess of Wales has been delivered of a daughter at 10.34am today. 

Her Royal Highness and her child are both doing well." 

With the signatures of all of Her Royal Highness' doctors and nurses, the announcement was placed on the gates of Buckingham Palace, which is currently vacant as Her Majesty is away in Scotland. Cheers and midday champagne were heard as you passed through the gates this morning. 

Soon after the announcement was made a Palace spokesperson added to the excitement with "The baby weighs 7lbs 3oz. She is a very calm baby. The Prince of Wales was present. We have no names we can announce at this time." 

However, shortly after The Prince of Wales himself came outside, shaking hands with a few of the well-wishers before heading out in his car without a word on when the names will be announced or when the Princess will be leaving hospital. Before driving off to pick up his two young sons to meet their new sister, and he stated that "Couldn't be more thrilled. She is an angel. Perfect." 

Princes William and Harry arrived soon after two in the afternoon, Prince William holding his father's hand and Prince Harry in his father's arms. They stayed for over half an hour. 

- - -

The young Princess of Wales was exhausted, still with a few drops of sweet making her hair cling to the back of her neck and cramps making their presence known; but the princess had a deep feeling of accomplishment deep inside her. 

She had had a very difficult delivery with both her children before this little baby, with her eldest in particular, but she had never felt such a wonderful feeling afterwards. A feeling that came over her in a way that was able to wash all of the pain and exhaustion she had felt, and all the nervousness she would still feel. No, this baby was something else in every sense. Her baby girl had barely arrived and was already changing things for her mother, and every time Diana thought about she couldn't contain a pool of tears from forming in her eyes. 

The Prince of Wales had been out, going to talk to his grandmother and mother, as well as to get permission from The Queen on the little girls name, but Diana knew her job was done. She had given her husband an heir, and then a spare, and now a princess, everything the Prince of Wales had asked of her. 

"You'll always be my little girl, sweetie." 

The baby girl squirmed, stretching her little hands as she was cuddle and wrapped in a blanket that would protect her from the chill air that was coming out from the air conditioning. The Princess smiled and brought her baby girl closer, leaving a chaste kiss on the princess' head. 

"My little princess. My little noble saviour." 

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