Part 13

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"Jimin, I'm okay, I promise."

Jungkook gently tried to nudge the elder away, frowning when he was unsuccessful.

"Let me see it-"

"No, I'm not 4," Jungkook pouted, "I can handle a tiny scratch."

Taehyung leaned on the doorway with a small smile, "You two are cute. And Jimin's right, by the way. It could get infected, the cat was a stray."

"I just wanted to pet it," Jungkook sniffed, lips still pouted. The cat was cute, and seemed lonely. He just wanted to be nice.

They settled into Jimin's place nicely, and fairly easily. There were a few hiccups, and Taehyung still felt uncomfortable with the whole situation, but it was fine.

If Jimin had to keep cuddling two whiny babies to bed every night, he wouldn't be too mad. The three of them slept together, though there were 3 rooms. Jungkook had insisted that it was safer and space saving. And that it was not because he had nightmares.

Taehyung was a different story entirely, as the boy literally couldn't fall asleep unless he was cuddling something. Plus, lately, he had been having really bad migraines, and Jimin found that the cure was Tylenol, a head rub, and extra cuddles. And hot chocolate, something he rediscovered he loved.

"I know, but you can't pet stray animals. Now if you aren't 4 years old, why do I have to explain that to you?" Jimin muttered, pushing Jungkook to sit on the kitchen stool. He held his hand out behind him for the first aid kit he had Taehyung grab.

The youngest tried to swat Jimin away, but only got a smack on the knee, "I'm sorry! It was cute, okay? He looked so lonely."

"Kookie, I get it, I do. But stray animals can be really mean, trust me, we had a lot back home." Taehyung said gently, picking at his nails.

Jimin froze from where he was putting the bandage on Jungkook's leg, "Back home?"

"Yeah, we didn't have an animal shelter, so people just dumped their animals on the street, it was really sad."

"Taehyung," Jungkook gaped, "You remember?"

"I-I kind of do," Taehyung said, wide-eyed. "But-but not much."

"Taehyung, you remember," Jimin smiled, "Even if it's only a small detail, it's a start. Oh my god, I'm so happy for you Tae, that must feel so good."

"It does," Taehyung said, smiling slightly, "It really does. I-That's so crazy."

From his place on the stool, Jungkook wiggled slightly, a huge grin covering his face, "That's so awesome Tae! Maybe that's from the migraines or something?"

"Koo, I don't think migraines are giving me back my memory," Taehyung laughed, "But it was a good thought."


Throughout the next few days, his migraines got worse, but every so often, he'd tell Jimin and Jungkook a new story about his home.

He told them about the time he found a small pond in the middle of the forest, and built a tiny, ragged fort by it when he was 11.

He told them about how when he was 13, he had his first encounter with bullying.

And then he told them about how awful the people were to him. He remembered how it got to the point where he locked himself in his house and made sure to keep the lights off, so people would think he wasn't home. Just so they wouldn't come to him. They still vandalized his house.

Bogum and Hyunsik, who he now remembered, were the only people who were kind to him. They brought him groceries, and made sure to tell him that no, he was not a disgrace to society, and yes, there were still people who loved him.

He couldn't remember why he was so hated for the life of him.

"Gummie used to say that I was his baby bear," Taehyung laughed fondly, "I miss him. A lot."

He and Jimin were in the living room late, around midnight, as neither of them could sleep. They didn't want to disturb Jungkook, he looked too cute sleeping, so they took a few blankets and set up with a movie.

"We can try to contact him if you want," Jimin said quietly. He was internally seething, having not believed Yoongi when he said how mistreated Taehyung was, "I'm sure he'd love to come see you."

"Really? Oh, I don't have his number," he deflated at the realization, having gotten his hopes up.

"I think I do though, he told me I should take it for emergencies," Jimin muttered, taking out his phone to frantically scroll through his contacts.

They looked up when they heard footsteps, and they both smiled at seeing a sleepy Jungkook trudging in the room, blanket dangling from his shoulders. He rubbed his eyes before he plopped down on the couch and rested his head in Taehyung's lap.

"Tae baby," Jungkook's new nickname for him felt normal now, he didn't mind it like he did the first time Jungkook had said it the other day, "you're comfy."

"Nice to know. What are you doing up?"

"Was cold," he said simply, choosing to snuggle further into the youngest's stomach instead of answering.

"How cute," Jimin smiled, "You two are so cute. Beyond cute."

"Says you," Jungkook's muffled voice said, "we're all cute. Cuter together too."

A little uncomfortable, Taehyung shifted his attention to the phone Jimin still had out, "You find Gummie?"

"Oh, yeah. I'm not sure he'll answer, it's like 1 in the morning."

"Gummie doesn't sleep well, we should still try."

The first ring, Taehyung was slightly anxious. The second, he started nervously playing with Jungkook's hair.

Bogum picked up the third ring, and Taehyung sighed in relief, "Gummie!"

It was quiet.

"Bogum?" Jimin's eyebrows were furrowed.

"T-" Weak coughing was all they could make out, along with a loud thud a few seconds after.

"Bogum," Taehyung's breathing became more unsteady, "Gummie, what's wrong?"

"They-they kn-know."

The three sat up, Jungkook more awake.

"Know what? Bogum, are you alright?"

"F-fuck." Bogum swore, before he hissed in pain, "They-th-" they heard him take a breath before he continued, "They know...where y-you are."

The phone dropped to the floor.


1038 words

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2021 ⏰

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